2009 A level Results Thread

Read. 6AM GMT, means time at Greenwich-London. Singapore is +8GMT, means 2PM +8GMT, well, I'm waiting to go into the army. No worries though, I'm PES C, going to get a few more excuse letters next week. No point pushing too hard and achieving much, will count for naught after NS anyway.
GP - A
H1 Econs - B
H1 PW - B
H2 Maths - B
H2 Physics - B
H2 Chemistry - D

Come on guys, post it up, what did you get.

Oh yea, anyone else applying to Monash/RMIT? I'd do UoM but my course is a post grad course. T.T
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if i remember correctly, for H2 subjects it's 20 points for an A, 17.5 for B, 15 for C and so on. for H1 subjects it's halved.

then add up your scores for 3H2s, 1H1, and then GP and PW.
mike, gotta disagree with you
The M.O.E spoon feeding system isnt the hardest or the most rigorous system. Infact once ur in uni, you will wish to be spoon fed again.
well. sad to say, the point of A' levels is to get to university degree in the end. You cant do much with an A'level cert, unless of course you sign on........ or you're have incredible amount of luck ,courage and money to start a successful business on your own.

Comparing the 3 local Us and the various private degree programmes. I would say, the workload in the 3 local Us are definitely a lot heavier. My seniors once told me "everyday is like the day before your A levels", but that isnt quite the case in NUS FASS... well if you're the type that slack and still got thru A levels, then the heavy workload should the least of your problems . Then again, its alot more happening and fun to be in the 3 local Us than the private institutions. Not to mention these 3 local Us provide a much more comprehensive career preparation / employment opportunities.

And dont listen too much to what your seniors have to tell you about life in the different institutions, everyone experience it differently, decide on you own what you wanna do.
and do check out their open houses next saturday/sunday

Those who didnt do so well.. you can consider retaking the A levels. Especially when it comes to guys who are in NS, it is possible to retake ur A levels and still end up in the same cohort in uni as your other classmates.
GP - A
PW - B
Chinese - B
H1 Geog - A
H2 Maths - A
H2 Phys - B
H2 Econs - C

like that...nus/smu accountacny got chance not?
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hello hifi!
Well, perhaps the A level is not exactly the toughest or the most rigourous, but compared to what we've been going through in Secondary school and primary school, it IS considered rigourous.
Also, I speak from experience. As explained, my year was the "guinea" year, the first year to try out a completely REVAMPED syllabus. There was no C Maths or whatever maths, just H1, H2, H3, etc. We were FORCED to take one contrasting subject (if you were from science stream, it would be an arts subject, and vice versa).
It also did not help that the teachers were equally at a loss on how to teach sometimes.
I wasn't exactly "Spoon-fed". I had two teachers who knew nothing about teaching the subjects they were supposed to teach (Chem and History) and we ended up doing our own self-studying, even studying chapters that were not even taught earlier.
History was pretty much a subject we all studied by ourselves. Our teacher was a complete *****************. He came to class, talked rubbish for an hour, walked out. We did our own research, studying and revision papers, shamelessly asking another teacher to go thru them instead of our useless one.

Fine, the Big Three may be more happening. But exactly how easy is it to get into it? It is not as easy as one think it is. Even BCC students are finding it hard to get into FASS, and FASS was qutie well known as THE "dumping ground" once. And these are students who were from the Arts Stream.

Fair enough, the lifestyle and culture might be more vibrant there as there are a lot mroe activities going on, but I never really said anything about that.

The whole point of my post, is to explain to those that the Big Three are not the only options. However, many students are overly FIXATED on achieving results that can guarantee them that they get into the Big Three. I have asked many people what they wanted to do, where do they want to go after As.

I had a few of these replies:
Person: Get into SMu/NUS/NTU lor...
I: Really? Which course?
Person: Don't know. See first when I have to choose lor

They don't even know what they are working for or what they want to do. Their short-term goal is to get into uni, but for what? Because its ingrained into them that they "HAVE" to go?
But what is the point of going into the uni, unless you know what you want, which course you intend to do?
Okay, sidetracking. My bad.
My whole point is to say that, even though we may not get into the Big Three, there are many other options.
It all boils down to what you intend to do. That gives you a more substential goal to work towards.
Also, my target audience in mind was those who cannot get their choice courses because they were deemed as "unsuitable" by society and the university.
No, they may not be academically inclined.
But what I feel is that this should not be a barrier to achieving what they want.
If they want it badly, then they should really work towards it. Discover new ways, explore possible options. At the end of the day, if they know they want to do something, then they should work for it and not let mishaps stop them from doing so.

I don't want to see people giving up the dreams like this:
"Sigh. Cannot get into medicene. Aiya, just do Chem Engineering lor..."

you understand what I mean. If you really want something badly, go for it.

After O levels I knew I wanted to become a teacher, but it was not until end J1 that I knew I wanted to become a GP teacher.
Just knowing that I have to work hard to get into FASS gave me something to work for.
Just my two cents
well.. i wouldnt mind the new system. i was from the science stream, i wanted to take history really badly in JC and it wasnt allowed a few year back( i think i'm 1 year your senior). Eventually took a few history modules in FASS...

As much as i empathize those who didnt do so well, i think one shouldnt fault the revamped syllabus or the system in general, everyone in the cohort goes through the same thing. And besides those people from poly worked even harder and undergo even more peer competition to enter the 3 local Us. In the end it all comes down to whether you're doing better than your friends that determines if you've have a chance in studying your desired course.

To teach at JC level, you'll need at least a 2nd upper honors degree.. so be sure to work even harder when enter uni. And DO go into relief teaching before entering uni, it will come in very very useful, even if you dont intend to teach in the end.

And its ok to not know what you want to do in uni, at least in FASS. The flexibility of FASS encourages you to try out 2 sems before deciding on your major.
Well, FASS is flexible enough. But not neccesary the other schools.

And I have to admit that the new system had a part to play. It was not uncommon to hear teachers complaining on how the new system had changed the formats of certain practices that they done previously.
science practicals were done away in favour of school-based experimental... something. Okay, I can't remember what its called.
C, F maths were combined, several chapters taken out and several chapters added into the syllabus. A teacher in my school actually admitted that he felt a bit lost while teaching a particular chapter.
Done were the days of triple-science. Students were forced to take a contrasting subject. Many science students (my batch la at least) were unable to cope with the contrasting subject, as Arts subjects and Science subjects required different ways of handling the subjects.

Coupled in that my year was the first year of IP students to actually take A levels.. well yea. Conspiracy?

Its' not that we're blaming the system. But after all, we ARE the guinea pig batch. My batch, being the Snake batch and having the least no. of students. Most of us feel that we were being used as pawns for MOE to try their experiments on us
Hey, thanks for posting such messages. Made me feel slightly better. I got BBBC and was afraid that NUS FASS wouldn't even want me >.< Especially for certain more competitive courses. Was pretty depressed (and will probably be for the next two days) but as you guys said I'm sure things will work out somehow =) Hope you all are taking it alright too =)
oh ya. SPA. Evil. We're all studying for nothing. Just memorize then damn thing so many times... I didn't see the point of it. There is ZERO learning in it. Just memorize, and at the paper, vomit out whatever the teacher force-fed you.
Thankfully I only took Chem. If I also took phys/bio I'll die

xewyne: Congrats on getting BBBC. Tell me if you're going FASS, perhaps next year when I get in there I'll look for you and kope notes! :p
Think if you really want to go FASS, your grades shouldn't be a problem unless your GP and PW really messed up, which I hope that's not the case.
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wow quite a few from CJ here, eh? I'm from, and still in, CJ..J2 this year. Just got a B for my Chinese yesterday. Congrats to all who got their results!
Just to all who are concerned, I got 1A, the rest B haha. Shouldn't be a problem finding an average uni course
A for H1 econs
B for GP

hoping I can land business in SMU?
pretty much depressed for my H2s, no As and yet a C.
So who plans to do what in university?

I'm applying for Monash Law,
Failing that, UoM Psychology
Failing that again, Monash architecture and RMIT architecture

Limiting myself to Australia as it's a lot less crowded than London.
Hmm... I beleive that SMU has a different way of taking in students for their intake. Their open house is today, not sure about tomorrow. Maybe you should go down and take a look?
Yes, SMU's intake is special in a sense that SMU offers a foundation year as an alternative entry path if you don't do well enough in your A levels, it's one extra year, but it'll be worth it.

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