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Hi softies, my pal (not on this forum) asked me what electric guitar he can get for $2000? His music inclination very close to mine. I have no answers for him as I don't have $2000 worth of thoughts. hahaha.

Help him to spend his dole lah softies!

Oh yah, I play metal, R&R, trash, led zep...
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ESP Eclipes? The standard model ? Around $1900- $2100 rite?

Gibson SG? hmmm...monster of guitar. HOw much and from where? SWEELEE?
is he like a beginner guitarist? and have 2000 to spare? tell him buy strat, u buy for him squire, say its 2000, u keep the rest of the kaching. haha kidding.

ok seriously i second the esp eclipse.
if had that kinda money id get an Edwards over an ESP with lots of money left to spare.

Edwards cost like $1,100 at davis and $1,300 at G77.
2k hmmm donate some to soft lo. IMHO, go down to guitar shops and ask them. Whats more, u can even try it first. Coz i think a guitar relationship with man is the sounds of it, not pricetags.
is he like a beginner guitarist? and have 2000 to spare? tell him buy strat, u buy for him squire, say its 2000, u keep the rest of the kaching. haha kidding.

ok seriously i second the esp eclipse.

great idea ! i gif him my axe, donate some to soft,n get myself gibson bfg.

Yah, any good Har this bfg? worth the $1500?

maybe i top up n get esp kh2, kh3.

Hahaha... so good to dream.
Check out the Ibanez Prestige models? Or maybe check out the Jackson RR? Not too sure how much that costs... Save up some cash to get some good efx or smth. Ill prolly get a good guitar and a Pod X3L with that 2k $.
If I were him, I'd spend around $500-600 on the guitar, and with the rest get a good 15-watt valvestate amplifier. :cool:

Good amp + not so good guitar = good tone
not so good amp + good guitar = not as good tone as above
well, see what type of guitarist he is.

bedroom: yes amp is rather top priority.
gigging/jamming alot: guitar and efx as can use studio's/venue's amps.
Yeah, another alternative is to go for a solid-state amp (which is really quite cheap but a lot of them sound really good on cleans) and get drive from pedals. $2K is a damn big budget, I didn't even have 1/4 of that to work with. Can actually get a few nice pedals and a pedalboard.

Personally I rely on pedals for drive, because like you said, when we jam we use the studio's amplifiers. But after getting a few pedals, no way is the remaining amount gonna be able to get an RG Prestige or ESP Eclipse. Perhaps an LTD? They're pretty damn good and the medium to higher-end LTDs have really good specs. For this budget, there's no need to get a lower-end guitar. Gun it for a workhorse, man!!
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wait a few weeks for Swee Lee sale and buy a Gibson LP that costs $3500 normally.

Swee Lee Gibson LP is usually in the small room one leh... For guitars in the small room.. even during sales, the discounts they offer is still the same as normal days.. Moreover.. I don't think Swee Lee ship in Gibson LPs to be sold by themself.. The last I heard, Swee Lee give guitar gallery the distributorship or something. Don't quote me.. I may be wrong.. u know.. word of mouth can't really be trusted in full.

But I suggest he get 2nd hand guitars.. =P maybe able to get a Gibson LP standard somemore.. =) But it depends on the seller though~ =)
How about Fender japan?

yamaha higher end guits are nice too.
Check out the aes620 and the aes hb620 really nice stuff. Or the pacifica 612v or 812v

Then again if u don't mind second hand theres this guy selling his washburn N4 cheap.
At the guitar buy/sell.

Want something with sustainers? How about fernandes ravelle elite.

Something to catch peoples attention?
Dean razorback?
thanks softies. i told him the response of this thread. he kinda likes and dislikes a few brands and models you suggested. (too bad he didn't like my axe, hahaha...)his budget is only for guitar, not set-up. super-strat body or single-cut LP is his preference. Tremolo or not he cannot decide. guitars he has now do not have trem. He said KH3 is coolest , LP body with trem! anyway, i don'y think he can find ESP KH3 (not LTD ones)in Singapore.




shioks76 - dean's cost more than 2k by a hundred and that leaves to ts's friend with no amp.good looking guitar but no amp.

i really advice ts to take my suggestion of an edwards and a decent amp around 900 namely Blackheart.your friend wont fall short of anything cause nothing can go wrong with an Edwards.