2 headphones. 1 headphone jack


New member
Hi guys,

My audio interface has 1 stereo output for headphones and 2 analog mono outputs for monitors.

Current problem is that, while recording, there is only 1 headphone that can be used at one time because of the above scenario. It serves well enough when I record on my own, but now that I am starting to record other people as well, so the problem becomes apparent.

How would you suggest that I can solve this? Do I need to get a mixer? Or is there a simpler cheaper way that I am not aware of?
So far the ones I found converts stereo to to two monos. :?

Maybe I'm not looking hard enough...
you should be able to find those plug in Sim Lim Square or Sim Lim Tower.

in fact, everyone should visit Sim Lim Tower just to get an idea of what they have there. amazing stuff.
Agree! Musicians should spend more time to keep up with the latest technology too, not only our finger skill. Esp those gears and accessories on sound and audio area.

Seems like a nice piece of hardware to statisfy an impulse buy. :lol:

But apart from amplfying the sound in my headphone to near defeaning, what other advantages will it give me? No dissing, bro, just curious, :)
some of the bigger headphone amps has 2 inputs for each output. Usually what we can set it up to do is to have 1 input for overall mix and another input as a direct feed from your channel.

For example you are the singer, input 1 will be a mix of all instrument. Input 2 will be a direct out of your vocals. This way, you can control the balance between your own vocal and the other instrument in your headphone mix. Like a mini mixer.

So if 8 vocalists are recording together. The engineer can patch a mix to Aux 1 out to Master In of headphone amp. Then he can patch individual vocal's Direct Out to headphone amp's individual input. This way, the singers can balance their own voice and the group's mix.

* sorry if I sound confusing. If you dont get it, I can explain futher.
You can check out Rolls Headphone amp at Hung Bros, not expensive and excellent quality!! prepare to spend roughly $130+...
definately agree on the rolls, i used this the other day and it worked like a charm. 4 stereo outputs, and both 1/4" and 1/8" jacks so you can even use earphones without messing with adaptors if you're short of headphones.

Seems like a nice piece of hardware to statisfy an impulse buy. :lol:

But apart from amplfying the sound in my headphone to near defeaning, what other advantages will it give me? No dissing, bro, just curious, :)

amps dun just make the sounds louder... in amps lik tis.. in most cases, they improve the sound quality of the earpiece/headphones.. =D hope it did help.. ^^