14th April 2007 - Deafcon II

Goberf, EMO besides being a music genre; is also a FASHION TREND. Which is particularly why I do not appreciate scene kids with hair like rebonded mops.

It's a trend that is killing the love of music! Oh maybe not, I just don't fancy music as a fashion trend sorta thing.

DETHKLOK! Murderfaceeee!

Honestly, I also quite don't get the old school thing. What's up with the tight as hell leather pants? It's something that has been on my mind for quite abit. I mean, The Hellacopters play rock and roll in a modern age but I haven't seen them dress up like what their favourite dressed like in the day.

I mean, to me it's just weird. Awfully awfully weird and just slightly repulsive. But that's just me. Oh well.

Well you see, the Hellacopters have their own image, and the 80s rock bands with tight pants also have theirs, and so does hip-hop with the super baggy jeans and baseball caps, which to me it's just weird. Awfully awfully weird and just slightly repulsive. But that's just me. Oh well.

I'm actually okay with people wearing those baggy jeans, black eyeliner from a certain genre and stuff like that and it's not like wearing tight jeans is some kind of outrageous fashion statement either.

I guess everyone in this world should just wear a uniform huh Donks?
well goberf, dressing like an emokid does not make me an emo kid. i don't listen to emo, and i don't cut myself and whatever. i know you have a problem with my image, and i don't really care. lotsa people have problems with my image. but whatever, it's just people, you know?

i dress emo, because i can. wouldn't you like to stop me? i'd like to see you try. and why does the way i dress got to do with the music i listen to? why do you bother anyway? does a little part inside of you die whenever someone tells me they like my hair?

i can diss my own image. can you? (=
Hahaha, this will be interesting.

Well, if you ask me. We all could do without the dress up and work more on the music itself. It's interesting to watch bands dress up a lot and go on stage and end up hitting the wrong notes. But that's just me.

I certainly am not going against emo musicians. I'm referring to people who wear eyeliner and have really pretty hair and all just for the looks of it alone. We all know they're around, probably right here in this thread as well.

But as to why someone would choose their attire as a fashion trend or perhaps even over their musicianship just leaves me dumbfounded. But maybe it's just me.
Hey Mervyn, well to be entirely fair. You didn't exactly diss your image. ;)

The notion of emo music becoming/or being a trend and then having their image duplicated by their fans(of music or of their dress sense) just irks me. Do they actually like the band tshirts they don with so much pride? How much of them IS actually 'THEM'?

Hahah, you can find me another day looking the same. I'm dressed more of less the same. Berms, my very precious Lamb Of God hoodie, some band tshirt and the same Vans sneakers I wear everyday.
i think that the whole "band choosing their attire as a fashion trend or perhaps even over their musicianship" is just not relevant here. if you think that bad obsession is just a band that focuses only on their looks and not on musicianship, then i'm pretty sure you've never been to any of their shows (=
This is fking lame... All im hearing from you,mervyn is yada yada yada... Why would i wana diss my own image!? You contradicted yourself way too many times... You're just another one of them confused teenagers! I dont giva fugg what emo or rock and roll or metal or music of any genre is classified under. I listen to what i like and i wear whatever the fugg i want. Not because of it being the IN thing right now,unlike some ppl... I dont have a thing against you or your image. It's just damn lame for you to diss emo when you're so emo looking yourself. And its not that im in love with emo or im emo or anything. Summary : Im not emo,i dont like emo,you look like emo,you dont deserve the right to diss emo. Im Nathan Xplosion and i'll kill everyone!
well donks, i wouldn't know about the emo kids with their emo band tees. for me, the only bands tees i have are led zeppelin, kiss, ac/dc, and thin lizzy. and it's all me.
Oh, I have been to their 'tour'. Several, even when they were first starting out before they had their originals and just covered Welcome To The Jungle amongst other old school rock hits and their recent show at Phunk Bar.

And I don't see how I could have implicated Bad Obsession in my little rant against scene kids and trendy wankers. The tight leather pants was just a casual remark. I have no negative comments on what Dong & Co wear to town or to his nearby mamashop.

My point is that if emo is the current hot stuff at the moment, when it ends when are you gonna run over to the indie/vintage side? Oh btw, it's happening now already.

When are you going to change again to make yourself suit society? I'm just intrigued by such individuals like yourself, that's all. Oh and I've seen you on myspace before.
when people say it's all about the music and don't give a damn about dressing up it's because:
1. they don't have the balls to dress up so they diss
2. they don't get chicks like we do which makes them angry so they diss
3. "oooh it's all bout the music" which is why they'll forever be playing at gas haus
4. they prolly look like shit to dress up anyway

I was helping my friend say that, but i can't help but agree to most of it, before you say dressing up is stupid, ask yourself why bands like to dress up in first place.
Yes we know bands that dress up and sound like shit, but what about bands that dress up, look great live, have excellent stage presence oh and sound awesome too?
If they play in a gig with another good sounding band, but the other band just dresses up in singlets/plain boring t-shirts and just stand there only moving their arms to play guitar, who do you think is gonna get more recognition and the recording deal?
goberf, do you listen to the radio or something? "IN thing"? it seems to me that YOU are the one in denial. trying to find an excuse for dressing the way you do, and not daring to admit that you dress the way you do because you like the way it looks.

you sound like just another emo kid trying to sound like an individual. YOU are the one contradicting yourself, and YOU sound like you're the confused one, and YOU are probably emo.
We're in Singapore. Name me one local act that sounds really awesome, looks good on stage and pulls off a live performance that doesn't start with the following letters. E,G,R,C,O,C.

Oh well, I guess you can't change society.

Hahahah, and honesly. About the little list your friend compiled, I very honestly, beg to differ. Hmm, I've played out of the country before. You can check with Kadir Oshiego if you want, I don't mean to brag but you stated so I rebutt. On the contrary, I'm referring to pretty much half the scene kids who frequent Gas Haus. ;)

Mervyn! What's your band name? I would really love to check you guys out.
That's lame! But hey,whatever...! I love you cos you look emo,im jealous i dont have your hair! If you people are just so egoistic to think that,then i think you should just get a life! I'll feed your bodies to the wolves,and the left overs i'll let the vultures savour!

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