12 or 18v adapter


New member
Hi guys,

Would you know where could I find a this kind of adapter here in singapore? I need it to be regulated and specifically made for pedal application. I'll be using it for my barber direct drive.

yeah, shredcow's right. I want to experiment with the headroom thing. :)

A friend of mine who also has one sent me a burr brown 2604AP chip which he says has more clarity and definition. He runs his direct drive with 12v instead of the usual 9. Not that I'm not satisfied with the stock sound but I'm just curious.
"Ready for 18 volt operation-The Direct Drive operates from 9 volts to 18 volts, this allows use of higher voltage converters and supplies, for players who want to try higher voltage tweaks." - from Barber site

Edgar, I will search for the adaptor too coz I am interested to try out the diff as well.

Walk around at Sim Lim Tower. Sure got one. Make very sure its REGULATED or else... 18V can be 24V
i bought a 18V adaptor from sim lim, second hand(yeah they do have such stuff!) used it to power my KFK 10-band eq but i think it's unregulated cos it gives off this nasty bad ass hum with my dunlop chorus too..oh wells.

12V? anywhere can get, those stores selling home improvement tools should carry them, esp those voltage + polarity selector thingies.
Thanks for your input guys. I'll try to find a regulated one as soon as possible.

Ck, I just installed the burr brown chip. It really is clearer than the stock chip though I still have to find out if there's a sacrifice in gain. I'll try to compare it again with the stock chip tomorrow if I find the time. It got me more excited to try it with higher voltages. :)
