10 Things I'll never do

Actually, if you are all about tone, you really need to study it. Most people are too concerned about their guitars than their amps, which in reality plays a bigger role in tone.

Fitting Dimarzios/Duncans don't destroy the guitar's original characteristics, they alter it. There are lots of offerings from these 2 brands, and they are targeted at different purposes. I am sure you aren't aware of the various pups they offer. If you were to put a DiMarzio Tone Zone in a Rickenbacker or Gretsch, you had better know what you really want outta the pup replacement. If you are unhappy, you can always switch back to the original pup... :)

Tone is subjective. Period.
hifi_killer said:
There are always people who are gear oriented and those who are skill oriented

And there will always be people who are both (and more)... :)

Signed, Vern (PRS, Gibson, Epiphone, Boss, Ernie Ball, Di Marzio, Signature Series Guitar owner or former owner.)
angusyoung said:
u got my respect buddy. u dont follow trend.

i would beg to differ, guitar tone and stuffs like that cant be treated like a trend. Just cause a shitload of ppl swear by Mesa Boogie amps then you refuse to jump on the bandwagon. By having such thinking, you're depriving yourself of a chance.

If it was due to trends, then never ever buy strats, teles, RGs, Les Pauls......imho these 4 top models have the most following everywhere.

Again, this are my opinions. Feel free to discuss on it :)

ok... seems like being different is the in thing now eh...

regarding the pickup issue. its really not about changing the original characteristics of the guitar's tone.

when a manufacturer makes a guitar. for eg. ibanez. their stock pickups are usually a v7 or v8 or some powersound stuff...
These are pickups made with "cost of production" in mind. not "tone".
edo83 said:
angusyoung said:
u got my respect buddy. u dont follow trend.

i would beg to differ, guitar tone and stuffs like that cant be treated like a trend. Just cause a shitload of ppl swear by Mesa Boogie amps then you refuse to jump on the bandwagon. By having such thinking, you're depriving yourself of a chance.

If it was due to trends, then never ever buy strats, teles, RGs, Les Pauls......imho these 4 top models have the most following everywhere.

Again, this are my opinions. Feel free to discuss on it :)

gee yeah thats pretty true. thx for sheddin light on that one.
oh... it's not abt trend. Just that i happened to dislike some products that majority likes... that's all.

I think ppl might have the misconception that i dislike the stuffs i mentioned because it's too popular/common. but it's not true. Telecasters are common right? I'm a telecaster fan.
LEMONed_Z said:
1)Buy PRS guitars
2)Buy Gibson guitars
3)Buy Epiphone guitars
4)Buy BOSS pedals
5)Buy Marshall Amps
6)Buy Peavey Amps
7)Use Ernie Ball Strings
8)Change Pickups to Dimarzio or Seymour Duncan
9)Buy some gear because some popular artist endorse them even if the product is obviously not to my liking.
10)Be a gear snob


Thanks dude, Fender is not on your list :lol:
popeye said:
Thanks dude, Fender is not on your list :lol:

yes... so i'm not really that anti-common

in case u guys didn't realise, Fender, Ibanez, Laney, Jim Dunlop etc. is not on my list. They are popular too right?

I only mentioned that i personally dislike :
3 guitar manufacturers
1 pedal manufacturer
2 Amps manufacturers
1 Strings manufacturer
2 pickups manufacturers

When there's so much more others manufacturers out there.

I dun see where the problem lies in the first place.
LEMONed_Z said:
I dun see where the problem lies in the first place.

In general, there is no problem, except that you've never really done any of the 10 things to truly get a better opinion and find out if your reasons for your 10 things are truly what you think, and whether it would apply to you 1:1.

i won't deny that you could listen to the products or get feedback to your 10 things you won't do. but i also believe you do need a long term usage of a product to be able to judge its quality/characteristics/benefits-vs-drawbacks.

and interestingly, could you explain how 10) can coexist with 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8?

In fact, from the top of my head, I can think of Seymour Duncan who has spent a large amount of time and effort working on the Antiquities pickups which try to sound like vintage Fender/PAF pickups. How would this affect you if you wanted a 50s sounding fender but your 1950s Fender strat's pups had all died on you?

There's no problem with your opinions. I do hope, however, the underlying reason is not that you're simply "Anti-majority"; just happens that your opinions are very different from the majority :wink: That's a simply flawed argument: "Everyone is good so i have to be bad to be anti-majority" kinda concept.
i can list the 10 things, cause i've tried/done em already. i think it's a bit self centered to say " that you've never really done any of the 10 things to truly get a better opinion and find out if your reasons for your 10 things are truly what you think, and whether it would apply to you 1:1. " ?? erm... not offended. but it's not nice to put words into ppl's mouth. my opinions are based on hands on, not by google search, reading articles, listening to sample sound clips.

I dun like PRS/Gibson cause of price vs quality factor.
I dun like marshall cause i prefer those fender-ish kind of cleans/mild OD.
I owned BOSS DS1, OD3, DD3 before.
I used Ernie Ball Strings for 2 yrs.
I used to have a peavey amp.
I have nothing against duncans/dimarzio. It's the 'ohh... i must put a tonezone, paf pro, breed etc. into my guitar to get this that tone' concept i dislike. if my pups died. i would consider changing em, but preferably with similar ones.

and obviously 10) coexist with all the rest of the points as there are many gearsnobs out there that purchase things blindly, thru hearsay etc.
but dun u think it's a little ironic to say "10 things which u will NEVER do", but in fact, u have actually done them already? not trying to flame u here la. also, u have used ernie ball strings (slinky i presume) for 2 years, and only now then you realize that they are not up to your liking? just stating my honest opinion that's all.. peace. [/u]
amnesiac has answered what I'm trying to say here. that's effectively what u're saying with your title thread. maybe i misread u somewhere, maybe my language is poor, but "Things I'll never do" to me means "Things I've never done and will not do again" unless u mean "Things I'll never do again".

Again, I agree with your opinions. It does seem you're more brand oriented than product oriented though, so it seems ironic to me. If one day something from Marshall or Peavey is exactly what you like, will u simply stick to these 10 principles?

10): Agreed. There has to be an element of hearsay in purchase imo though, but not to the extent of gear snobs.
Noooo... u guys are right bout the title! damn... overlooked that. It'll be more comprehensive if it's "10 Things I'll never do AGAIN". didn't put much thought bout that. 8O nvm... cannot be undone anyway. :oops:

Anyway regarding the ernie ball strings issue. I used them for the first 2 yrs in playing, because they're er... popular. :oops: That point, i guess any strings will probably feel the same. After gaining more exp, then i started to realised what i didn't like bout ernie ball lor... i guess everyone goes thru a newbie phase before they can start to point out what they like or dislike mah. so nothing wrong with taking 2 yrs to realise i dislike ernie ball. unless u think i'm slow. but if women can wear the wrong bra size for 10++ yrs (it's true). i guess taking 2 yrs to figure what u dislike is ok. :lol:

Anyway, wouldn't u feel like slapping someone if... he just picked up guitar for a day, can't even play a C major properly, and start preaching bout pro and cons of ernie ball strings??
thor666 said:
Again, I agree with your opinions. It does seem you're more brand oriented than product oriented though, so it seems ironic to me. If one day something from Marshall or Peavey is exactly what you like, will u simply stick to these 10 principles?

not really brand oriented. My telecaster is not even fender. :lol: if say a product is say... a boutique amp attempting to clone Marshall amps, i guess i wouldn't like it too. it happend that some characteristics of certain products are too associated with certain brands. e.g that marshall cruch, the fender twang, that it's hard to express sometime without being labeled as brand orientated.

and yes, if Marshall or Peavey, or any of the products release anything to my liking, i'll definately try em. right now the 10 things are based on what's available now.
hmm... this section is 'talk anything under the sun' right? just sharing what i'm thinking. what other purpose are there? 8O

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