1 band to say ur influence

Page's music and guitar technique = two thumbs up
Page's dealings with occult = two thumbs down

Lets hope Page ditched his satanic practices. :wink:
Cloudsky said:
Page's music and guitar technique = two thumbs up
Page's dealings with occult = two thumbs down

Lets hope Page ditched his satanic practices. :wink:

Heh heh - well, he was pretty spaced out on drugs for most of the Seventies which didn't help his judgement in those matters, but one can't help but think that a lot of this dabbling in the dark arts helped propel the mystique of the band.

Even so, the music is standalone great; Page I admire most for his fabulous arrangements, guitar layering and compositional finesse.

Mayhem- dark, twisted, genius
**Welcome back to the pack Atilla...
Mr_X said:
Mr_X said:

Cool riffs, fast riffs. Just love the riffs in their songs. Check out psycho love and youth gone wild. U'll get what i mean. Got some ballads too and their ballads are damn nice. plenty of pinch harmonics. My ideal kind of hard rock band. :wink:

like sum of their ballads too...... stuffs like in the darkened room........ 18 & life......... i remember u ......... etc.......... kool........ :wink:

i feel bach's voice is more suitable 4 ballads....... too bad he left skidrow....... :cry:

gordonzz said:
woah.. thats long long time ago~
hahaha....... those were the days........ when i was a kiddie n tried 2 act like cliff........ luckily i'm still alive......heehee....... :wink:

I knew Sub was a metalhead when I saw the self pasted Darkthrone sticker on his SG.. Goes to show that not all metalheads esp those Black Metal ones r into lo-fi.. Hehe...

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Cavett said:
I knew Sub was a metalhead when I saw the self pasted Darkthrone sticker on his SG.. Goes to show that not all metalheads esp those Black Metal ones r into lo-fi.. Hehe...

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

pardon my ignorance, what is lo-fi

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