08 EnlistmentThread

anybody knows if napfa get a pass how many months have to do NS?

22mths... enlist 1mth later then ppl.. ord 1mth earlier then ppl... but PTP stage is the best stage ... the most fun stage... only thing sian is tat u ord later.... haha...
oh ok thanks. cos i heard some ppl saying pass (meaning gold or silver) have to do only 20 months. dunno whether it was true
damn man all my friends got their enlistment letter already dunno why i haven. btw, anybody went for the ndu vocation assessment this year?
ndu lol siong sia everytime see them running around. but then again every single one of them have nice toned bodies. which isnt such a bad thing after all. just that they look like freaks running almost every single morning around the camp =/

eh broo
you enlisted police? police F**cking awesome compare to army ..especially infantry..in police you go home EVERYDAY! and if you go posted to division they never discipline you like police camp(tracom)..bloody relaxed sial..
even now I currently in J division..me and my regular go buy chicken rice when on patrol, go 4 story car park, makan the packet chicken rice, smoke ciggs, relak one corner smoke and den sleep in police car..
Unless got case to attend lah..haha, we are slack but not THAT slack...
I feel for you army guys lah, ey bro...you got posted what division or you never POP yet? Tracom bloody xien ah
I tot not everyday? during bmt still book out fri and book in on sundays.

Nola.. i more power than you.. ENLISTING 8th July..

I gotta go thru hell first. =(

Pes C still can be patrol team not ar? haha..

Eh bro lilbrisket, pm me ur msn.. we can chat there. lol =)
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eh broo
you enlisted police? police F**cking awesome compare to army ..especially infantry..in police you go home EVERYDAY! and if you go posted to division they never discipline you like police camp(tracom)..bloody relaxed sial..
even now I currently in J division..me and my regular go buy chicken rice when on patrol, go 4 story car park, makan the packet chicken rice, smoke ciggs, relak one corner smoke and den sleep in police car..
Unless got case to attend lah..haha, we are slack but not THAT slack...
I feel for you army guys lah, ey bro...you got posted what division or you never POP yet? Tracom bloody xien ah

i feel so much safer and at ease knowing that people like you patrol the streets.
Oh and its even more comforting if you look at how the police personnels conduct themselves in the MRT during ops.

and for those who are pes c, just to let you know they sent my pes C(clerk) friend to the jungle to search for mas selemat too.
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