don`t worry man..i`m sure that you will not be failing your Nafa when you join the Commandos
haha, actually im kinda looking foward to it..
don`t worry man..i`m sure that you will not be failing your Nafa when you join the Commandos
reli ah? not fair sial... lesser stay + gd food.
last time longer stay + fcuk up food
Dont jealous.. But i scared fail the course sia..
The written tests easy?
Other then tests must pass what then can POP ar?
COOL! thats all i needed to know. HUAT AR POLICE FORCE!
Nw mash tray still must wash ourselves i heard.
btw, for SPF, ippt if fail in the end hw ar? can pop?
every week also hv ippt.. failures stay back for more training till sat afternoon..
judging from this.. i shld be..
Enlist: 08-07-2008
ORD: 07-06-2010