07 NS Enlistment

Heh...Seriously speaking, I miss my NS times. 3 more callups then ROD loh. A lot of good memories during service and made close friends with some of my reservists kakis.

To all who think NS is a waste of time, I beg to differ. Most of you might disagreebut what I really think is that NS really teaches one how to be patient, responsible and discipline. It also helps one gets ready to join the workforce proper.

If you guys wanna say that you have experience working part time during ur schooling period, that experience is peanuts compared to what you learn while serving.

And judging by the trend of how singaporean's mentality is going, we all need to go in but not as bad as how the females should as well.....

As for times of war, one should feel lucky that we are not struck by war here although it could happen. Lets just see it in a different sense, what if there is a sudden solar flare and singapore is struck by sudden pandemonium and chaos? We're gonna need the NS and regulars to control the situation.

We can say that we a civilised enough to handle ourselves in the situation but I can confidently say that almost all singaporeans have not been hit by the panic bug.

We are only humans and at times, we let our natural instincts take over..

So to those who are going to NS, don't be scared. Put your chin up and go in with pride.

hey guys... im 17 this year and im going for my medical this coming wednesday... im gonna be 18 on may of 2008 so chances of me getting enlisted would be after me being the age of 18 amirite???

the customer service number is useless..
Hi guys, If there are any musicians here who have not yet enlisted, you can try out for the SAF music and drama company as a guitarist, bassist, keyboardist, drummer or singer.

Important criteria, able to play different styles, eg. swing, rock, pop, funk, jazz(it would be nice).

Must be able to read notes, don't have to be super fast in reading. Must be able to read chords and demonstrate different voicings in tempo (meaning on the spot).
You should demonstrate competency in your knowledge of your instrument.

Anyone interested, contact me, but keep in mind that if you really want to get in, you've got to try and get downgraded to pes C minimum. You can audition as pes A, but you have to try to get downgraded in BMT.
in retrospect to me NS was more of a psychological test rather than a physical one MOST OF THE TIME. especially nowadays where alot of kids play sports and are damn fit. for the majority doing PT should be no prob. but nobody likes to do it while getting f-ed
NS....not really a waste of that 2 years...but if we guys don't serve now, we would probably get a degree in an earlier stage.

When you transit to working life i think we will be lost because of the everday routine.
in camp, we dun have to give a shit to what to do, your future, your income, expenses.

The shitty part about NS would be it's too regimental!
and all the big asses always find fault in you!
Unless you're an officer (or rather less fault-finding since only higher officers deal with you)
Specialist? they dun give a damn...
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no actually i think when in camp, you have to give a shit abt what you do more than your outside job. Because if you dont, you will get into very deep shit, and sometimes lives will be involved

and the rank game dont really work from where i come from... being a 2lt is the alot worse than being a 3sg and below
lives my ass. it is never worth dying for singapore, because as it is, there is never the need. give me a reason why 4 young storemen had to die when a plane crashed into their store in taiwan. i will never be convinced.

the only difference between ns and outside job is that in ns, you are liable to military law. outside job, you just get fired
NS....not really a waste of that 2 years...but if we guys don't serve now, we would probably get a degree in an earlier stage.

When you transit to working life i think we will be lost because of the everday routine.
in camp, we dun have to give a shit to what to do, your future, your income, expenses.

The shitty part about NS would be it's too regimental!
and all the big asses always find fault in you!
Unless you're an officer (or rather less fault-finding since only higher officers deal with you)
Specialist? they dun give a damn...
whether it is a waste or not is subjective. it depends on the opportunity cost, ie what you would have done with those 2 years had there not been any ns. and for alot of people, the cost is very high. which makes it a waste of time for them
lives my ass. it is never worth dying for singapore, because as it is, there is never the need. give me a reason why 4 young storemen had to die when a plane crashed into their store in taiwan. i will never be convinced.

the only difference between ns and outside job is that in ns, you are liable to military law. outside job, you just get fired

Please get your facts right, there were 4 singaporeans involved in the incident, 3 died. They are not all storemen, the only survivor is a section commander.
the cause is still under investigation..
but what we know for sure is that the 2 taiwanese pilots could have ejected, but they chose not to in an attempt to avoid the populated area. Thats your reason..
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whatever it is...still must serve. Alot of times we are put into situations which we aren't comfortable in, and how we respond to that change is a reflection of your character...whether you're a whiner, whether you're an optimist, whether you're a pessimist...it really says alot about you. Whiners and pessimists don't really go very far, so since you have no choice, might as well pretend to be abit more optimistic and put in your best. haha IMO la.
give me a reason why 4 young storemen had to die when a plane crashed into their store in taiwan. i will never be convinced.

haha I found this quite funny, not in a disrespectful way.
Why did Antonio Puerta of Sevilla die when he was a fit, young budding footballer?
Why did marathon runner Ryan Shay die in NY on saturday despite being a top runner?
Why did 18 year old runner Thaddeus have to just go like that?
Why are kids killed by buses when they're crossing the road?

haha sometimes shit just happens la, and we cannot just blame NS, cannot blame MINDEF, cannot blame govt, cos seriously, who could have predicted that.
NS is not a waste of time, the life skills u learn there goes with u for the rest of ur life.The friends u make there also goes with u the rest of ur life. It is regimental but its the army, which armed forces in the world is not regimental? Army makes u cherish ur civilian life more. And as someone say its all in the mind, if u fit and able don downgrade lah.. if thousands of people can go through it, y cant u?

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