07/05/06 Gearhead Convention @ NTU

The secret to the wah probe's wierd ass tone is EDO'S BUTT! You must have edo squat on it to activate that ass kicking tone!

I wish i had a video cam when he did that heheheheh.
Me Like Blue Ark's board the most.Cos of the custom jobs there...and the wacky stuff....very apt...

Edo, your board damn neatly arranged man....sweet...

Shred, how was the Blackstone using a Toob amp?

Ciel, hahah...dun worry SCP coming liao...very "Rock " Rig you have there...I told u rite,,,,there can never be enuff dirt boxes...INSANE BUY!BB DELUXE!

Sorry, who's budda wah ah?

wish I was there.... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Eh come on lah....someone review something lah....start the ball rolling man...

Ciel....the budda wah "emo "enuff or not??? :D :D :D :D
The funny sideways thing on my board is a korg delay with a danelectro fab flanger inside that affects only the delayed signal. Crazy shit. I'll post some clips someday haha.

Next to it is a Johnson analog delay with a great analog sound but a really shitty bypassed sound. So I modded it for true bypass.

The Korg DT10 tuner was recently modded for true bypass and mutes the amp when in use. So I don't need my old A/B box anymore.

The black pedal on the furthest left is a Roland Keyboard footswitch, normally people use it for damping when used with keyboards. I'm using it as a tap tempo footswitch. Yes you can. It's 1/3 the price of the Boss dedicated footswitch and half the size. I'll be making tap tempo footswitches soon too, which will be even smaller and more reliable.

Board still a bit messy cos I haven't bought velcro for the two delay pedals and haven't made cables to the length I needed. Hence the sideways delay.

The Blackstone didnt sound that much different as when I heard it at G77. Lots of harmonics on power chords. Doesn't really seem to push the amp, the distortion is mainly from the pedal.

Budda Wah is lifehouse's. Gave Ian a giant fit of gas cos he's the only one without a wah.

Edo's bluespro was very very nice. Cleans up on soft picking and crunches and slightly compresses on hard picking. I would have loved if it had slightly more mids and a slightly squishier compression.
The BUDDA is the BOMB! ROCK AS HELL i tell you, whole day cant help but to step on it and solo!~~~~~ i tink the guys cannot take it when i keep using it hahahaha. The bottom end of the sweep is damn SWEEEET!

OOi lifehouse want to sell or not?
snuffleupagus said:
Shred, how was the Blackstone using a Toob amp?

Lots of harmonics, you hear chords very clearly. Its very transparent. Ridiculously dynamic with the vol knob. :P BUT. The others agree it has a unique tone and ain't for everyone.

Its very... as its advertised, punchy and dynamic. No mid boost there. No "warm" overdrive there due to lack of harmonics.
ciel21 said:

Haha. Buy one also lo. But I think you guys if got chance must really try out RMC picture wah. No knobs one. I like too. Think shredcow will like the wizard wah on the other hand.

But blueark wah probe + edo butt is really priceless. Sounds good too. Pity never record. Should have record and post on youtube. :butthead:
ShredCow said:
Lots of harmonics,

Anyway, the pedal might have performed even better if the trimmers and everything was optimized for running through the PA. But its really very transparent. Good for people who don't like OD that compress ur tone too much.
Lifehouse said:
But blueark wah probe + edo butt is really priceless.

Oh yeah.
ARGGG... got phone camera and video right? No wait... afterwards get caught with illegal material... hmmm..

I'm going to mrmisse to test out the RMC 2... dunno if the wizard wah is IT for me. :P I like to tweak... and no wah can do excellent clean AND distortion wah-ing, unless its tweakable.

You must come over and try out the RMC Picture Wah with your pedal setup. I personally love the PW over all the other boutique wahs.
As promised, a soundclip from me :D :D

Here's the board again:

I'm recording with an alder body with the middle single coil all the way. Guitar into pedalboard into Trace Elliot Brat into a Shure SM58 and then into a Zoom MRS-4 4 track digital recorder.

Here's the recording:

Want a run down? Going to be long, grab a chair and a beer :D

Drive pedals
0.00-0.28: nothing on (you can here some digital clipping, i'm not sure where it's from, could be the recorder)
0.28-0.54: Wah Probe only
0.54-1.23: Bad Monkey only
1.23-1.51: Bad Monkey into Little Big Muff
1.51-2.04: Little Big Muff
2.04-2.18: Little Big Muff into Wah Probe
2.18-2.31: Little Big Muff only then Bad Monkey also on
2.33-2.46: Bad Monkey into Splutter monster
2.46-2.57: Bad Monkey into Wah Probe into Splutter monster
3.00-3.27: Bad Monkey into DS1 tube mode
3.27-3.40: DS1 tube mode only (doesn't sound like a DS1 at all right?)
3.40-3.53: Wah Probe into DS1 tube mode

Fun time!

Delay/Modulation pedals
4.02- 5.24: Bad Monkey into Korg Delay modded to add Danelectro Fab Flanger in the delay loop (doing volume swells on the guitar. I standing too near the mic can hear me hit the strings :P )
5.24-7.05: Bad Monkey Korg Delay into Johnson Delay modded for true bypass
7.06-7.52: Bad Monky into Splutter Monster into all that
7.52-end: Back to Bad Monkey into the two delays.

Hmm I realised I didn't use the DD20 and the killswitch, forgot about them haha. Anyway they not that interesting and the DD20 is so versatile it would take another whole clip to try and show what it can do.