Don't know if i'm first to read this article but it speaks a lot about Paul and how he became what he is today.
I highly recommend musicians to pick a copy of TIME magazine and read about Paul. He is featured in the Music/Arts segment of the magazine.
It is good to see a great local musician...
i sold my first guitar a few years back, its a classical yamaha CG101, and in a moment of folly (really stupid i know) i sold it to raise some cash (which i didn't really need). and now i really wana recover it back!
any ideas on how i can get it? i know its pretty damn hard coz i don't know...
Hey guys post pics of your band playing live! I'll be the first. Photo's a little edited to sepia effect to make us look 1960-ish.
[soft: i have uploaded your pix to the gallery and resized it, SOFTies can now upload pix to the SOFTies Stuff album]
Well! for me i started learning guitar as a dare. When i was sec1, i thought it was seriously too difficult and fretting alone killed my delicate fingers. Then after a few months, this girl *im thankful to her* came along and she plays pretty well, as you might have guessed it, she dared me to...
How often do you change your tubes? How long does your average tube last? I know it kinda depends on how much you play. I play regularly, 2-3hrs almost everyday. Thirdly, do you have microphonic problems with your tubes??
Hi guys!
I haven´t been posting alot lately due to my busy schedule and stuff. I read through some forum topics and I thought of giving my own feedbacks and stuff~
You guys have been goin on and on talking about TONE etc... is your guitar sounding FLAT and...
I´ve seen many people over the internet complaining, why doesn´t my Squier sound like a Fender Strat?
As u guys knoe, Squier Strats are made in China, so why complain when u get the guitar at a lower price? I´ve also seen people complaining that their Epiphones do not sound as great as the...
Hi guyZ,
Just wondering what "dream" guitars do you guys want. Personally, i love Gibson Les Pauls, the Gibson Voodoo Les Paul looks Great in my opinion!
But we always have problems financially etc. So post ur dream guitars, Strats? Les Pauls? SGs?