WTS Cheap guitars which can be used for DIY or parts!


New member
Hey there, i have 2 spare guitars sitting at one corner collexting dust. So why not just sell it to ppl whom need it.
Be it for beginners or those doing diy projects.

1) Squire Strat Califonia Series SSH

This is my very first guitar which i practice alot on till not its color look like aged guitar. Sunburst color. Still playable as just tested it. So why not sell it to owners whom will play it.

2) Brandless Guitar with floyd rose HH

Someone pass me this guitar but i didnt like the shape of it. It shape like those gibson/epiphone SG kind of body and black in color.

If interested do pm me or text me at (nine one 8 two 50 four four) and quote me a price. Thanks.