WALLS OF JERICHO! Live in Singapore!

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Awesome man.
They really know how to bring down the place.
And yeahhh CANDANCE IS hottt. And it was really hot there. After the gig i felt like i just took a bathe. lol
here are the some pics taken with my phone cam...its hard to take a good pic when you are being pushed into the circle pitt and ppl jumping and climbing on you...hahahas




Heh heh i got Aaron's(Bassist) pick personally from him through a handshake. Did anyone know that they went to Inokii the day after for instore autograph sessions?
I'm just glad that almost everyone had positive feedback on the show.. You guys deserved it..

Just wanna say.. the night went well and im sure everyone had a great time catching WOJ..

but not everything was fine and dandy...

Those who know the whole story.. keep it tight-lid first.. its best to hear from the horses mouth before making any judgement... if he dares to say anything at all..

I'm not going to elaborate anymore through this medium...
but I do wanna get to the bottom of this..
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