WALLS OF JERICHO! Live in Singapore!

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at day's end its really just rock n fookin roll innit?

can argue till the cows come home abt whether its indie vs emo vs DIY vs hardcore etcetcetc BUT ITS NO DAMN USE!!!

just stake yr claim and make some serious noise the way u want to!!!!!!

time ta rock!!!! i'll def wanna check this out.........
Thanks everyone for being objective but itz pointless arguing with Thrasher whose has a personal axe to grind with me & is out to sabo the show. This has nothing to do with HxC, DIY or anything else.

The account was created 14 May 2008 so its obvious from the start itz a trouble maker. We dun know who tiz person really is and thus his true intentions.

Thrasher is a sad disgruntled person and its not surprising that this testicularly challenged political low life will stoop to this. Hey Thrasher... why dun u do a Tun Mahatir and QUIT the SCENE?

As the saying goes....
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why bother about other aspects of music? this day and age, it's almost impossible to do anything without money. the days or rather the bands whom finance themselves to tour or to "spread the music" are endangered species.

so you prefer them to not bring Walls of Jericho down? can you imagine how much work and effort it takes for an organiser to bring a band down just to perform?

thumbs up to the organisers who attempt to make Singapore a more interesting place music wise. be it for financial benefits or anything else. would you rather Singapore be a place where only bands like Coldplay or U2 comes to perform? where they charge high prices for tickets. then people will starting moaning about a lack of scene here.

this is year 2008. if you miss the hardcore DIY ethics so much, get a time machine and travel back to the 80s or early 90s. because the world/society has evolved. live with it.

and if you think having DIY ethics is still pretty much alive, then i'd say maybe you should move over to Washington, D.C. where i guess it's pretty much alive. as i think Singapore, just isn't the place.
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Why So Many Opening Bands?

one qn..why are there so many opening bands again?
That prob adds up to 9pm till WOJ hits the stage?

Did u go for CBK? First support band (Forgive) was out at 5.30pm (1/2hr late) but CBK still got to play at 8pm (on schedule). WOJ should be the same.

We could be like the big organizers who let one or no local bands share the stage coz from a organizational point of view its very troublesome to deal with so many more egos (but so far the bands I worked with are fantastic!) and also must devote more resources to take care of them.

Altrusic reason
To get as many local acts to share the stage with an internationally recognized band eg. CBK, WOJ, ??? Like a cultural exchange of sorts.

Adds to the band's live performance experience and portofolio (hey we're good enough to play with XXX). Gives them more confidence & for some a dream come true to share the stage with their idols, whom upto this point, they only heard and read about.

Brings up the Singapore music scene and hopefully one day one of these bands will get noticed and be signed on & distro by a bigger label (muz remember me hor!)

Its also to give the concert goer an almost "festival" experience by watching so many good bands perform on one stage. Kiasu Sillyporean will say "more value for money, like buffet" ... $35 for 6 bands (including WOJ)... Wow thats like only $5.80 a band.

Cynical reason
More people to sell tickets for the organizer and capture more of these bands fans to come to watch the show.

Whatever you want to think... alwayz believe in the greater good and 'NO' the tixs won't be cheaper if you juz come for WOJ only ;)
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and if you think having DIY ethics is still pretty much alive, then i'd say maybe you should move over to Washington, D.C. where i guess it's pretty much alive. as i think Singapore, just isn't the place.

uh...sorry but i think you got it wrong there. DIY hardcore punkrock, modelled but not imitating, the early US hardcore scene is more active than ever here and regionally. go look around. a good starting point would be www.lioncitydiy.com a de-centralized website archiving likeminded DIY kids. events go beyond just gigs, there's the occassional exhibition and gathering.

Adds to the band's live performance experience and portofolio (hey we're good enough to play with XXX). Gives them more confidence & for some a dream come true to share the stage with their idols, whom upto this point, they only heard and read about.

Brings up the Singapore music scene and hopefully one day one of these bands will get noticed and be signed on & distro by a bigger label (muz remember me hor!)

sorry but i thought this is hardcore punk, an alternative medium. you make this sound like Singapore Idol.



"good enough?"

"bigger label?"

does freaking signing on by a bigger label equate to being a 'valid' hardcore band? the reason why i got myself involved in this hardcore scene, and the reason why i'm still here for years (and more to come) is that this scene totally destroys such notions of musical establishment (for lack of a better word).

to learn how to Do It (whatever "It" is) on their own terms and conditions and not needing to attain some iconoclastic status beforehand.

go figure.
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while the attempted support for local bands yields more than an applause; was there consideration given to those who truly want to see WOJ only?

It's really paying for a buffet that gives one diarrhoea by having so many opening bands.

WOJ is certainly not a perfectly competitive product and definitely should garner more than the price tag of $5.80 even if I see all the bands? Is there anyway to make sure that my $35 goes to WOJ solely and I'll do my part and turn up just in time to see them?

greater good...hmm..since when is hardcore founded on the principles of bands piggy-backing on the successful ones?
while the attempted support for local bands yields more than an applause; was there consideration given to those who truly want to see WOJ only?

It's really paying for a buffet that gives one diarrhoea by having so many opening bands.

WOJ is certainly not a perfectly competitive product and definitely should garner more than the price tag of $5.80 even if I see all the bands? Is there anyway to make sure that my $35 goes to WOJ solely and I'll do my part and turn up just in time to see them?

greater good...hmm..since when is hardcore founded on the principles of bands piggy-backing on the successful ones?

an amount was probably decided on as payment for WOJ, before they confirmed to play here.

dudes/dudettes c'mon! +ve65 might have not organised this show in a way that pleases all of you, but I know hes trying his best to help out the scene, more specfically, the punk/hardcore scene. OUR SCENE.

How do I know? He organised the FC FIVE and MILES AWAY gig sometime back. Two really good and established bands. and of course, in true hardcore spirit, local bands included in the gig.

FOR FREE. (that means the bands didnt have to sell tickets)

So yea, give some thought to it.
Who got the bands together?
Who planned out everything?
Who PAID for the show?

and if you have any 'ideas', share them and discuss them. Don't just shoot shoot shoot shoot, bad vibes ah! and also gets nowhere. Don't make assumptions so quickly, don't label a person, talk about the situation and reach a consensus, our scene CAN GROW!
despite how idealistic i sound, i think the pricing for the show - while something i dont agree with - is pretty fair considering the costs incurred (any season organizer would probably agree). with or without local bands.

i still dont agree with commercial sponsors for hardcore shows, but then again thats just a personal opinion.

to be objective, there are a lot of new faces at Propaganda Machine type shows, so its a cool thing.

however there are many things i still dont agree, will never agree nor feel comfortable with.

sure there have been international acts coming in on what i call the 'semi-commercial' hardcore scene - and its a good thing because it exposes the newer kids to bands they probably would never have heard of otherwise (dont need to ponder or quiz me on it, its just my bloody opinion once again), but bands from all over the planet have played dirty smelly raw and loud DIY hardcore punk shows since 1998. they're either usually overlooked or ignored.

my point is: our scene can grow, it has been growing since the independent underground revival 2001 onwards, but to think that we need foreign bands, be it DIY or commercial or whatever, to increase the activity level of our scene...seems a pretty dangerous way of thought.

dont get me wrong, i would love to catch tons of international bands here anytime, but where does compromise end, and where does the loss of integrity begin?

sorry my past few lines are ranting and has nothing to do with the WOJ show, but i thought i'd leave my thoughts here to encapsulate my views better. no offense to anyone whatsoever.
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dude can you chill

i just dont agree with certain things with the show, i'm not telling anybody to boycott it.

just proceed with your show lah. from what ive heard from friends and the internet, scores of people are ALREADY going to the WOJ. why worry?

look at my last post, its fairly constructive what. now you're the one appearing to be seeing more negatives than positives.
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sorry my past few lines are ranting and has nothing to do with the WOJ show, but i thought i'd leave my thoughts here to encapsulate my views better. no offense to anyone whatsoever.

OK OK OK..... ME CHILLLLLLLLLLL..... OMMMMMMM...... -VE65 Evil Twin brother... TOOOOO.... MUCHHHHH..... BEERSSSSSS.....

Yup... Bella Luna did the free FC5 & Miles Away show at *scape for all. This I gave kudos in my Comeback Kid thread when everyone was dissing them for the sound.

Maybe becoz we did a 2nd show with Friday Clothing at Music Garage (Miles Away, Sidekicks, Bloody Rejects, The Jabs and Forgive) the following night that tiz confusion could have happen.
trasher, i aint on your side, hell, i aint on anyone's side.
but i dont think this is the place to bring up stuff abt the "petition". cos i dont know where you're coming from, i guess you dont know jack abt what went on.
i'd know this things cos i was there and anyway this is abt the WOJ show not the block party.

i guess this whole damn thread can be summarized with a few lines.

if your unhappy with +65, then dont come la.
if your unhappy with +65 but wanna see the band, then just shut up and come la.
if your happy with +65 and wanna be his sidekick, well you know his shop location

as for me personally? well you wont see me there for reasons best left unsaid.

oh and just for the record, i play for dearxarson and marchtwelve and im part of the rockstar collective AND wake me up music. you should know who i am. no hiding on this.
chill guys!
talk about the upcoming show and not diss each other!

we're all here to enjoy the music and be nice to each other.
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