Under the Velvet Sky (FreeFrom Pyschedelia)


New member
Helo people

For those masses having an open mind, dvelving into free form of music expression and sounds should definitely check out this band.

Territories of Psychedelia,Jazz, Avant Garde, Art, Space, Experimental, Hardcore, Blues, Punk Rock explored.


Debut EP 'The Black Sea Sorcery'

A 4 track, spanning up to 40 mins of organized chaos, a rendition of narrated sounds and music performed by Under the Velvet Sky.

If you like what you hear and would be interested in purchasing our debut EP, please do not hesitate to pm me for details. EPs are selling at 6 bucks each.

please do SUPPORT US !!

Thank you.

Peace and love.

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wellcum 2 da free noise-rock psychin kommunity!!! if indeed there's one here bwahahaa..............