Tips on growing your hair long....


New member
hey guys,

i need help on growing my hair long. (not emo kinda long but 80's metal kinda long)

any doods with long hair can help me out?

should i go for regular trims or should i just wait for a few years without cutting?

moreover, my hair is kinda thick and wavy (if you know what i mean) so i dunno if it can grow that long.

so i need help from all bros out there.

cheerio and thanx in advance
same here man tryin to get it as long as possible during this 2 mth holiday so i can headbang nicely .
nice to see that u're a kreator fan \m/
haha yes bro..headbanging with short hair loks gay.

headbang with no hair (think Kerry King) or Headbanging with long hair looks awesome.


i'll be going to uni next year (still in JC now) so i have all the time in the world to grow my hair long :p

haha cheeers
EH?! You no NS ah?? Wah damn cheater! =D

I would say, go to a hair salon and ask them to thin your hair while keeping it the same length and/or layer your hair but not too much after u look like char bo.
Im also growing hair.. Damn slow sia! I think just wash your hair everyday properly can already.. Just let nature take its course
EH?! You no NS ah?? Wah damn cheater! =D

I would say, go to a hair salon and ask them to thin your hair while keeping it the same length and/or layer your hair but not too much after u look like char bo.

dude, he has thick hair. so if he layers it while letting it grow long, he'll end up looking like nikki sixx!!!!! :lol:
Yar....I have thick wavy hair as well. Hairdresser say cannot layer too much.

Will become an absolute mess!!!!

*hint* Rebonding can make hair appears longer.
I had my hair grow for about 3 years (no cutting or anything done). My hair is also the wavy type. Dunno if it's considered thick or not. Reach about chest length. But had to cut it as I had to go back to finish off my NS (i disrupted for Uni, yes, i had to cos i did 2.4 years). Good for headbanging yes (which is kinda why i grew it in the first place) but it's damn inconvenient (take longer to wash, dry. hair gets getting in your face, especially irritating when u're eating, so end up have to tie to up, etc) and blardie hot. I don't know if it's really worth it. Just my $0.02.

Anyway, even though i don't have to, i'm keeping my hair really short now (like more than army short) cos it's fuss free and so much cooler. :D
re: Blood..

Hi to all..

to grow your hair longer..

1) comb your hair back..

2) use a rubber band or whatever they call that circular thing..

3) tie it up from the back; think neck..

in a few months, you'll see the growth..

this will help u look neat and at the same time, stay slick..

when i was 17, i kept my hair for 3 years.. my mom told me bout this and its a proven method..

so yeah.
trim your hair a little first. And when you eat, wear hairband la. Like 5566 so hair won't get into your face and clog up your pores.
Oh yeah.....if long hair, don't put gel or hair cream. The oiliness from the hair in the face will cause pimples.
I had my hair grow for about 3 years (no cutting or anything done). My hair is also the wavy type. Dunno if it's considered thick or not. Reach about chest length. But had to cut it as I had to go back to finish off my NS (i disrupted for Uni, yes, i had to cos i did 2.4 years). Good for headbanging yes (which is kinda why i grew it in the first place) but it's damn inconvenient (take longer to wash, dry. hair gets getting in your face, especially irritating when u're eating, so end up have to tie to up, etc) and blardie hot. I don't know if it's really worth it. Just my $0.02.

Anyway, even though i don't have to, i'm keeping my hair really short now (like more than army short) cos it's fuss free and so much cooler. :D

I know how you feel. Used to keep long hair as well and it always seems to get in the way of food. and nothing should stand in between me and my food! Now me keeping near to a buzz cut. Fuss free and cooler.

As for the TS, try trimming the edges every once in a while. No need to go to barber. Can just do it at home. The constant trimming makes the hair grow faster and keeps you split ends free. Trust me. You dont wanna have split ends.

Ouh. for the constant trims, dont trim everyday can liaos~~~

Guys....really won't give rebonding a try ah? Shld be good what.

No matter how hard to you headbang, the hair still neat and tidy. No need much combing. :mrgreen:

*hint* Rebonding can make you look gay
I actually tried rebonding once before. and no, i am not gay and also no, it does not look gay. well it actually depends on how you carry it off. i have wavy near to straight hair so not much diff for me.

EH?! You no NS ah?? Wah damn cheater! =D

I would say, go to a hair salon and ask them to thin your hair while keeping it the same length and/or layer your hair but not too much after u look like char bo.

haha no NS :p

yup i dont think layering will work for my kinda hair...the stage its is now is like i havent cut it for ard 3 months..and its long but not long enough to tie fringe reaches the bridge of my nose. its i just comb my hair back.

haha anyway thanx for the advice i think i'll go for a little trim after my A-levels and then let nature take its course.

haha im justing doing for the fun of it..i dont reallly care if it gets in my face or fodd (maybe i will later :p)

but for now im kinda eager to let it grow loooooooooong.

meh 3 years is a long time :(

is there a hair god i can pray to? lawl

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