need volunteers!

soft said:
Lifehouse and seekz: There’s this thing about knowing the past in order to move into the future. The Singapore music scene might be small but every now and then, there are some bands or solo artist who somehow managed to put in all their means and make an album of their works. It would be great to recognize them and put them into the hall of fame on our website. This is definitely a huge task. Gathering information from friends, Internet, record shops and even posting in forum.

Let me know if you are interested in this topic. Or, if you have other suggestions?

Oh man, this msg was like posted so many months ago. i wonder if it still could be put into action now that i have little bit more time on my hands.

so how is it gona be? I write all the material send you and you edit and post issit ?
well... I was planning on like doing review of bands here in singapore but i think the contents would be pretty much subjective. and i tihnk i not a very good writer, and not very tactful with words.

So even though i would love to write something. I'm thinking twice on this one. But i've sorta have something going on for RustyNails. Will try to write something to feature them, then let you see first.
I think it would help greatly if Soft were to have a few reviewers instead of just one or 2. We Basically have 3 music scenes 1) Jazz and blues 2) 'Underground' (hate the term but yeah) and experimental, and 3) indie/popular/whatever mixed genre, not forgetting elctronic music.. It'll be difficult if not impossible to get an objective reviewer for all 3 generalized genres of music culture.
I think its definitely not my style to do underground or experimental music... haha the last time i was at the impeity gig at jams the club, i was wearing a friggin RED shirt headbangin to kings of carnival creation.
heys.. i could do the photography section.. sure love photography.. but i need to get a better digicam than the one im using now.. but this cam is still kinda clear..

for the time being i can use this..
will my experiences as freelance soundman do?been involved with lots of shows,band performances mainly live events,from setting up full band mike up,manning monitor n FOH 24/32/48 ch. boards..........wat u think? :?
Hey, there wouldn't happen to be any openings still, would there?

I have experience in reviews, and worked in a PR Agency for a stint. Would like to help in photography, editorial, advertisitng and marketing.

Basically whatever's possible, just no networking. I hate computers. =x
was looking thru ur pics... quite nice... xcept that im not really into those kind of pics... mines more of nite scene... but if i were an onlooker... i would still say its really nice...
emmy's a part time student in sales n marketing.. maybe i can help generate some ideas pertaining to this aspect?

let me know if there's any project coming up that might make me useful here.. heehee.. :lol:
woohoo... now that i have stablize the website, i think it is time to make some ripples. any softies with hidden talents and like to do fancy stuff, please post here.

the 'hidden' talents are mentioned in the first post.
cool man. must see when you free, we meet up for kopi.

i am looking for writers/photographers too!
Eh still looking anot ah? Photographers ah... those power2 one? If just take photograph without using any filters or what I wan.. but no cam..

Graphical designer still lookin? I interesteed liao..
James, what kind of writer/writing are you looking for/into?

Btw, I am probably one of the few Softies who touched based with the local hiphop scene, heh. I dunno how that would help though... :oops:

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