Showcasing Geri Chong's "FUNK WITH ME"


New member
Hi everyone, I am showcasing an artist whom I feel has much creative potential.

This entire non-stop 38 minutes arrangement/performance of drum & music parts was done and recorded in one take by Geri Chong. No edits were made. No additional effects were added. All mistakes are left intact. There are no boundaries in music and there are definitely no theories that bound creativity.

Original music arrangement and drum parts are played by me for her manipulation. Various loops and sounds courtesy of SoundTrends.

This is definitely interesting and is worth a listen right through to the end. Feel free to comment on her website. Enjoy.

"Funk With Me" on
Hey case, interesting track.

Listening to it at home and at a club gives very different feeling. It might sound a bit loopy now but in the club when people are dancing, it is good 'repeat action' for them. haa..haaa

I feel the track could have a stronger melody line. This way, easier to recognise.

But, I am sure you already know all these and trying to break out of the norm lah. Hee..hee

Case, do a track with DrumLine style?

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