Selamat Hari Raya Haji !!!


New member
Selamat Hari Raya Haji to everyone... Especially to the fellow Muslims here and to the rocker kapak!!

p/s:i dare not see the newspaper today.....feel like matter how bad the person is, one must treated with respect...
Selamat Hari Raya Haji!!
No ketupat and rendang for Hari Raya Haji for me.
But Briani instead!! Muahaha..

Have a great holiday everyone!!
yeah,thats just very disrespectful..

he din even get to finish his final prayers in the execution vid...anyone who wants to see that vid..PM..

how bad he was..he should at least be allowed to see Aidiladha..its the same with anybody from any religion..

imagine killing someone (of a certain religion) on that religion's certain holy festival...

totally disrespectful...and thats my opinion...
yeah AEnimic , its quite sad to say that , like what slapshock said , even if his bad , he should be treated in respect

anyway , they will get their retribution one day for not respecting others
careful not to turn this thread into discussion of Saddam.

let's give thanks to those who helped and remember to be of help to others.