Piano Lesson


New member
Hello people! Well I have finally going to start fulfilling my long childhood dream which is getting myself a piano and start taking lesson.

I'm going for land of classical and I need a few advise from you people here.

How much does the lesson cost for beginner if I go for school or by tutor? I heard tutor price is ranging from 100 to 150 for 4 lessons but what about schools?

Which piano should I get? Well my budget is around 1k and surely I won't be able to get a upright piano. Was thinking about Yamaha P-85...

I think currently that's all :) sorry for the trouble.
Are you planning to take the classical exams? Need to get one which is an exam model if you are.
Go ask Dr. John Sharpley to teach you damn good but $120 per hr but is damn good lor
But my fist is pretty tight you see :( I couldn't afford things that exceed my budget but I really want to fulfill my dream. Because I'm not like 10 years old and back when I was young my parents couldn't even afford.
If you are going to take exams, you'll need a piano. Digital piano isn't going to cut it. Just get a second hand piano. When exam time nears, you can book the exam studio and practice on the piano there. That's what I did in my younger days when we couldn't afford a good piano. In my higher grades, my piano teacher uses a grand and the exam is in her own studio - so I literally practice on the exam piano every week.
well, i agree with that. You can buy reconditioned or 2nd hand pianos. Just a reminder, make sure ur piano keys tension is just right. you can ask ur piano teacher to help u up on this