People Of The East


New member
Hello all Softies! i am here to ask if any one would like to just hang out some where in the east just to jam or chill at some one's place ( if its okay with them ) i'm writing this thread BECAUSE! majority of people i know come from NORTH omg. (ahem shredaholic , currypuff , radzrAsh ) ahem hahaha damn far la just wanna hang all the time lol. SO asking if peeps would like the gather in the EAST and just share their expertise! hahaha. MAKE NEW FRIENDS! the more the merrier right! so yeah but no problem if peeps from other part of singapore would like to travel over ! HEARD THAT SHREADAHOLIC! hahaha :) anyone interested?
so much intro about you guys are from and nobody is getting the ball rollin.make something happen guys!
Im in! and if u dont feel like having simpang, theres always all the awesome food at siglap or lagoon at east coast.. :D
ya la.but west-side is pretty boring beach and interesting places unlike east coast and changi.
supper at simpang: (all of you say what dates you can or can't make it, then we'll cancel out accordingly)

any evening or night is fine with me

1. Visa
1. Visa (any evening or night is fine with me)
2. Tim (should be any evening or night after next wednesday..)
Hmmm...interesting idea....count me in. just let me know time and place....

1. Visa (any evening or night is fine with me)
2. Tim (should be any evening or night after next wednesday..)
3. Blodstyre (just let me know when)

Tentative date: March 1st 2008 (Saturday)
Venue: Spize Simpang Bedok (Tanah Merah MRT for non-East SOFTies)

1. Visa (any evening or night is fine with me)
2. Tim (should be any evening or night after next wednesday..)
3. Blodstyre (just let me know when)

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