new to electric guitars


New member
hey... i have played classical guitar and acoustic guiatr for bout 1 yr+ to 2 yrs. i'm planning to buy an electric guitar. budget bout 600-700. any suggestion i could get a new les paul guitar + amp + mayb a gigi bag for my budget?
I'd advise you to buy a good guitar first. Then save up for a better amp. Play thru headphones for the time being.
is there no way i can get a new les paul guitar + amp without buying a package? anw whitestrat, thnx for ur suggestion.
i was thinking if i were to get a package, shud i get a sx gg1k one or the epiphone special 2 player pack one? any advise?
is there no way i can get a new les paul guitar + amp without buying a package?

Of course you can. But what's the point when you'll end up spending more money in the future upgrading both? 1ast you'll think it's the pickups. Then you'll think it's the bridge. Then you'll realise it's the whole guitar. Then you'll think it's the amp... No end to it lah...

Buy a reasonably good guitar to begin with. Try Edwards or even that Korean brand "Shine". Shine makes pretty good stuff for the $$$, and you can get a good one for less than $600.

Available at Luthier Guitars (Bukit Timah Plaza) and Music Theme.

Here's a nice Shine Guitar:
Scrimp on the amp. Get a $100-200 amp, a $20(or less) gigbag, then maximise the remaining on a decent guitar. With the $500+ left you should be able to get something that can last you for a while, till you decide which guitar you want.

If you're bent on the Les Paul and know it's what you want, save more first, then get it.
hmm... i'll probably go with fored's suggestion. save more for a les paul standard i saw at standrad value ($600 wtih a bag). sry to ask again, any1 know any amp probably 10-15watts that is around 100+?[/img]
A Les Paul for $600?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! uhh... ok... I'm not sure that's what Fored meant... :roll:

Look. A guitar can make or break you. Either you'll enjoy it so much because it's really well made, and you end up practicing so much that you end up being the next guitar hero we all look up to, OR, you get so frustrated and pissed off that you'll throw away the damn thing and never touch it again.

Then again, it's YOUR hands... You decide. :wink:
Get a 2nd hand stuffs for a start, save you a bundle. A good deal would be Marshall MG15CDR or VOX Pathfinder15, or alternately, get a multifx which will enable you to output to any good 'ol hifi/pc speakers.
i second the VOX pathfinder15r.
i suggest you get it second hand though if you dont have much money left after getting the les would cost around $120-150?depending on the buyer.
thnx every1 for all your advises, i know wat to get le :D . just one more noob question. just put up with me once more. is it advisable to use fingers to strum and pick the electric guitar ? coz i started classical guitar so i'm not that used to using a pick...
if u like the sound coming from the amp then use fingers if not use pick!

its all about ure preference. let URE ears do the talking.

btw i have a Squier Sidekick Amp for sale $50