KTV Singing Competition 2013!!


New member
Singing Competition 2013 @ Bonkers 56, Tanjong Pagar Road

Qualifying Rounds: 2nd May, 9th May 7pm
Semi-final: 16th May 7pm
Final: 22nd May 7pm

1st prize:$300 cash + $200 music school voucher + 1 bottle liquor
2nd prize:$200 cash + $100 music school voucher + 1 bottle liquor
3rd prize:$100 cash + $50 music school voucher + 1 bottle liquor
4th - 8th prize:$25 music school voucher + 1 bottle red wine

Registration Fees: $20

Song Choice:English,Mandarin,Cantonese

To Register, can simply walk-in or call 98768809 to get earlier slots!!