Help with left hand grip during doubles... weird issue!

Mr. Mouse

New member
Hey all. Recently my brother pointed out that my left hand arches down alot while playing double strokes, while my right hand is normal. I took videos of myself playing and analysed my own playing and found that the level at which my left hand was playing was higher than my right hand. So I practiced for a day at a lower level with my left hand and the next day, it was much better.

But I realised that even though both hands are nearly at the same level (my left is still like 1-2cm higher though lol), my left hand still arches down. I figured it might be something to do with my left hand using american grip and my right using german. But the main question is, will it damage my wrist? Here are some pictures:

At first:


In the end only the level at which I play my left hand changed, but the arching is still there. I still don't know why :( Please help!

P.S. I did not experience ANY pain or discomfort at all even while playing like the first picture.
It is with my left. I'm using my Mac's Photobooth to take the picture, and I took it from my right side. The program does some weird miror image.
Try doing a simple test. Without sticks, bend your wrist like you do in the photo and try "flicking" your last 3 fingers as you would when you are using finger control. Then, straighten up and do the the same thing. You will immediately feel less tension when your hand is in-line with your arm.

As for the stick height difference, you just need to slow down your practice. Slow down to a pace where you can control and maintain the difference in stick height. Set up a mirror and practice in front of it so you can pick out any problems and fix it immediately.

All the best....
hmm i duno if i have the same problem as u O_O perhaps some1 can tell me =X i play mostly moving my wrist, hardly my entire elbow when on the practise pad, so when i hit the pad, my both hands will point downwards. when at rest ( my hand and wrist in-line) my sticks do not touch my practise pad at all O_O so do i have the same problem? if u need pics i will post it up but for now i havent taken any.. just saw this thread and i played in front of the mirror to see..
Try doing a simple test. Without sticks, bend your wrist like you do in the photo and try "flicking" your last 3 fingers as you would when you are using finger control. Then, straighten up and do the the same thing. You will immediately feel less tension when your hand is in-line with your arm.

As for the stick height difference, you just need to slow down your practice. Slow down to a pace where you can control and maintain the difference in stick height. Set up a mirror and practice in front of it so you can pick out any problems and fix it immediately.

All the best....
Yeap I tried it and yeah it feels better with the wrist in line, but there isn't a significant difference for me.

And about the stick heights, I wasn't talking about how high my sticks were going. I was talking about my hands not at the same level. I plan to ask my teacher about the problem with the wrist bending though.

I need to know if it's actually the 'wrong technique' or not though. Because if it is, I have to work on it like right now.
I don't dare to comment if it's wrong, but keeping your wrist in line with your arm definitely reduces tension. Any small amount of unnecessary tension adds up and eventually, things might break after some years down the road.

As for levelling both hands, it is definitely easier to create the same volume and tone when they are both aligned at an even height. You just need to practice slow and pay more attention to the details. And are you very sure your stick height is level whenever you try to execute even strokes?

If you are still not convinced, then do a research on YouTube and study closely how great drummers like Dave Weckl, Steve Smith, Vinnie Colauita plays...
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I'm very sure my stick heights are even. I think the reason why it still arches might be because of my grip, and also because I'm still raising my hand a little too high. I'm working on it.

A question... to what extent can overbending damage your wrists? And how bent is 'overbending'?

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