For those who's got Rosli's album, Dragged........

Which is your favourite track in the album?

  • Pakoo Boomi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hear Me, River Of Love

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dragged

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Deeply Uncommon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Purple

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quarantined Qarin

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New member
For those softies who have bought the album, which track is your fave? For me, it's "Dragged" and been stuck with me since i sat in the studio during it's mixing stages....would actually like to hear what's everyone's favourite or any comments about the album if any :)

P.s. to those who i havent pass the album yet due to work this weekend, i'll definitely arrange a date this coming week asap :?
why is there 3 votes but 2 replies only?

Oh yeah 2 other tracks are missing from the poll as the max options allowed is 8 only :x
i wan to vote "SEEKING FLAWS"!!!!!!
the best track in "DRAGGED" album.....hahahaha.... 8) :arrow:

Every votE counts!!!!
klaywomen: no prob, man just vote in your reply also can.....the poll doesn't allow more than 8 options and there's 10 bopian for me la haha.

Great to see all the replies, keep them coming! Seems like 'Seeking Flaws' and 'Rescuing Rukia' is quite the fave choice eh?
I had a tough choice between 'Rescuing Rukia' and 'Purple'. They both intrigued me the most. In the end, i decided to give my win over to 'Purple'.

Get a concert startin Rosli 8).
Told him from the start that people will love "Rescuing Rukia" more than anything......The song has stucked to my mind from the first i heard it......Yayy...for Rescuing Rukia....

But not to be indifferent, you should hear all the songs cos there are really meaningful messages behind each songs......
Hear Me River of Luuuurve :D

Aiyah sad got some songs missing in poll..but neber mind..i thot Invasion was quite a darn scary song...>_<
I find myself a recent owner of Dragged and I must say that it absolutely blew my mind away. The playing is flawless and the tunes are hauntingly melodic. Rosli has definitely raised the bar on local talent when it comes to the guitar scene. I personally like Seeking Flaws the best, but Invasion comes in a close second. Other tracks worth mentioning are Pakoo, Hear Me, Dragged, and Farewell September. All those who haven't heard or purchased the album, I highly recommend it.
my vote is for PURPLE cos it's a very LIBERATING track.

makes me want to stand on top of a mountain, throw my specs away and play air guitar 8)

this is a gem of an album, you guys got to let it be heard - don't waste it!