DR Black Beauties!


New member
Hi everyone!

Lol i just typed finish my post and press submit then soft board underwent maintenance -.- so now must retype.

Anyw, wanted to share my experience with everyone and to find out more from you guys! I bought DR Black Beauties 10-46 strings from Davis not long ago. Well i fitted them on to my guitar 2 days ago, and the first thought that came to my mind was WOAH SWEET TONE AND NICE SUSTAIN. Really was a different feel altogether for me as compared to my guitars fitted with dr ducks or ernie balls.

Well that was 2 days ago, today i was playing around with my guitar again, and suddenly noticed that at the area where you normally picked the string, the coating was starting to scrape off. As in, i could see patches of silver on the strings. I do pick quite vigorously at times especially during pinch harmonics, but I'm sure not the only one who does that!

Just wanted to find out if anyone else experienced the same time as me.. also, the black coating is there to prevent string rust and hence "extra life" right? would this then affect the life of the string drastically?

Please share your experiences with me! thanks :)
Yeah i know.. Friend of mine has this set of strings on too.. his lasted till 3 mths! hahaha. but 2 days and flaking already? :???: isn't that a little too fast? Or normal?
I bought DR Black Beauties 10-46 strings from Davis not long ago. Well i fitted them on to my guitar 2 days ago, and the first thought that came to my mind was WOAH SWEET TONE AND NICE SUSTAIN. Really was a different feel altogether for me as compared to my guitars fitted with dr ducks or ernie balls.

placebo syndrome dude..
ahh yes its very normal.
don't worry, its natural that the COLOUR gets scraped off, but it is still coated, these strings last for a few months before they actually start to rust, so you can leave it out in the open and don't worry about it rusting, but do clean it after playing.

the tone is fine but imo the feel starts to get worse as i use it continually, i think imma change to Elixir™ or EBMM Titanium coated as i think they would feel better.

somehow these DRs feels weird when you bend.

ahh yes its very normal.
don't worry, its natural that the COLOUR gets scraped off, but it is still coated, these strings last for a few months before they actually start to rust, so you can leave it out in the open and don't worry about it rusting, but do clean it after playing.

the tone is fine but imo the feel starts to get worse as i use it continually, i think imma change to Elixir™ or EBMM Titanium coated as i think they would feel better.

somehow these DRs feels weird when you bend.

Ah that makes sense. So the colour doesn't actually matter right? Great great.. Well i havent play enough strings or long enough to really tell the difference in quality, but these do give me something really fresh and different. Kinda like it up to now. who knows, might hate it after using it after a month and the string "dies" lol..

Whats the placebo syndrome?! and no my friend's ones were 3 mths old when they snapped. They were scraped off too though..
placebo effect is a pschological thingy...

ur mind percieves that set of strings to be extremely toneful and have more sustain for a certain reason. that reason could be anything, i suspect because DR strings are more expensive, or maybe u heard ppl on forums say how damn good DR strings are, thats why u have the mentality that they must be damn good and the tone is much better. so back to the point, it means those DR black beauties are just pretty normal strings but ur mind tells u that they are much more toneful because of the placebo effect.

i'm not trying to imply that DR strings are bad.
most coated strings will flake to a cetain extent.
Esp the color coated kind. very obvious.
I'm using EB titanium and it flakes too.
Very normal ya
placebo effect is a pschological thingy...

ur mind percieves that set of strings to be extremely toneful and have more sustain for a certain reason. that reason could be anything, i suspect because DR strings are more expensive, or maybe u heard ppl on forums say how damn good DR strings are, thats why u have the mentality that they must be damn good and the tone is much better. so back to the point, it means those DR black beauties are just pretty normal strings but ur mind tells u that they are much more toneful because of the placebo effect.

i'm not trying to imply that DR strings are bad.

oh i see.. Not ruling that out of course!

well maybe, havent really heard people saying that DR strings are good. only found out when i asked around after i tried them. maybe the price? but anyw i'm pretty sure about the sustain though. maybe not so much of the tone. again that could be cause my strings were rusty and perhaps "dead" before i changed them.. hmmm but at the end of the day, doesnt really matter as long as one is playing yeah? i mean if you really feel good playing on a sucky gibson but a gibson all the same, you might even sound better than another guitar who's specs and sound is much better, isn't it? Just my opinion.

thanks anyw :p
compared to other strings, i think, DRs are pretty dark in tone. and yes bending them give a weird feeling.... maybe its because of the super thick coating...