Dimarzio PAF humbuckers

Most after-market pickups are available in either 2 (non-splitable) or 4 conductor wiring. If you buy a 4 conductor version, that doesn’t mean you can’t put it in your guitar if you don’t want a split option. Just ask the bloke who wires your pickup not to split it in any toggle switch settings. I have both the 2 & 4 conductor version of Seymour Duncan’s ’59 humbuckers & there’s no price diff. However, I’m not aware if there are any price variation when it comes to the PRS brand.

The unpleasant encounter with the PRS’ HFS & VB humbuckers as accounted in the previous thread has nothing IMO to do with the number of frets. I’ve talked to a guy who swapped his PRS singlecut’s No.7 neck humbucker to the VB as the latter is less muddy. At best, the Tremonti SE which had the VB in the neck & sounded foul is a one-off sub-standard unit.

If there’s a tonal effect pertaining to the guitar neck itself, which affects the pickup’s performance, then it’d be the issue of scale-length more than anything else. since PRS guitars sports the 25" scale length, the VB´s bad tone might be attributable to some other factors.

To be safe, if you still insist on PRS humbuckers for your Tremonti SE, it’d be good to refer to PRS’ single-cut models to see which pickups are default in them. You’d do better along that line.
Yup Subversion,

I would say that the location of the pick-ups would affect the sound.

Comparing 2 guitars, (22fret VS 24fret) using exactly the same pick-up:

on a typical 22 fret Les Paul, u´d have ur neck humbucker sitted on the "24th" fret and at that node, u´d have certain frequencies cancelling each other.

As for a 24 fret guitar, the neck pick-up would not be sitted at that 24th-fret node and thus would sound different.

Correct me if i´m wrong, hope this helps


My personal opinion on pick-ups: "It´s better to get a lower output, than one with very high output. Cos it´s easy to increase ur gain via efx or amp but i don´t know how u can stop ur EMG-loaded guitar from constantly over-drivin ur amp
What´s up?

I believe Dawn is correct about the 22 and 24 frets, it affects the sound

Btw Dawn about EMGs, juz do the exact opposite of what you recommended, turn the gain turn down, since EMGs are so much hotter, you can actually use less gain and probably still have lots of gain

yeap Metallibeast

EMGs are superb for high-gain stuffs.

But what if i don´t want to over-drive my amp? those EMGs would be constantly over-drivin my Pre-amp section eh?

That´s why i suggest low-output for those who´d like more versatility =) cos gain can be easily added, but hard to remove if ur EMGs are already so hot

<TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font size=-1>Quote:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT SIZE=-1><BLOCKQUOTE>

But what if i don´t want to over-drive my amp? those EMGs would be constantly over-drivin my Pre-amp section eh?


I´m abit confused this? if you dun wana over-drive ur amp, turn the distortion off or turn the volume down on your guitar, the sound will clean up mah....

What do you mean?

hahah Metallibeast, sorry... i forgot there´s this thing called "Volume knob"


So what´s the difference between a High-output pick-up and a Low-output pickup? (other the output level)

Is it right to say that a high-output pick-up would be better cos if there´s a need to overdrive ur amp, juz turn ur guitar´s vol. knob full and it´ll happily drive it.

But if i were to use a low-output pick-up and want to overdrive my amp, i´d require a booster / pedal in between?
What´s up?

Basically a High-output and a low-outputs diff is that you get more distortion, for example if you have the same gear...amp...pedal...cables...same guitar but one with EMG and another with passive and setting is the same, you will get more gain from the EMG and the passive will have less gain. the down side is that EMGs are so damn hot that even if you turn down the volume know it will still sound distorted, the only way to clean it up is to use less distortion and use your volume knob according.
