Cakewalk Instrument Definition Files for P-250 & Motif R


New member
hi. i'm looking for Cakewalk Instrument Definitoin Files for both the P-250 and Motif Rack.. Anyone has it or anyone can point me in the right direction? Thanks!
Queer, I've been searching around for you but cannot seem to find it. There's a lot for Yamaha but no P250 and Motif rack. Unusual. In the past, there's a site called lilchips which has lots of ins files. But that site seems to be down. I'll keep googling around...

There is a software (free) which allows you to create your own instrument definition files. I'll give you the link later. I have it at home


hey thanks :) PM me the link whenever u're free yea? thanks!

i don't mind manually creating the ins file from notepad, but the problem is that the P-250 doesn't come with its midi layout manual and the assignment of the control change message.. sigh. i've emailed the us yamaha tech but he's giving me the cold shoulder.
hmmm... i noticed that Yamaha isn't one of the listed supported brands? i'll try it tonight, keep u guys posted.. i'll post it up if its successful! thanks!
Hi, There is an excellent yamaha keyboard users forum which has all the ini files. I have the link in my laptop. I'll post the link soon