Black List of Dishonest Sellers


New member
Yesterday, I bought a Yamaha DD-50 that the seller promised was in very good condition and 100% working. This was a dishonest claim as the covers for the 2 foot switches were broken and missing.

This seller obviously had deliberate intention to deceive the buyer. He had even filed and smoothened out the parts where the covers broke off to make them look "normal" and identical on both sides. In this way, a buyer who has never seen an actual sample of the foot switch before might not be able to tell that the covers are missing.

Without the covers, the buttons on the foot switches are too small and hard to aim for. It becomes very difficult to control the Hi-Hat and Kick Drum functions properly and play the drum beats on time. Because of this, I got suspicious and did a photo search on the internet specifically for "Yamaha DD-50 footswitch".


Photo of DD-50 with good footswitches


Close-up of broken footswitches that were sold to me.

2 hours after the sale, I asked the seller about the missing covers. I asked for a refund because I was supposed to be paying money for a 100% working item. He refused to give a refund saying that he had already used the money to buy a guitar.

Beware when you deal with this person:-
Userid: uuMaar
Handphone Number: 81663984
Email addresses: and

Right now he is also selling a Right now he is also selling:-
Yamaha PSR-E213 keyboard,
Epiphone Tom Delonge signature ES-333 and
BC Rich Assassin Body Art guitar.

May I suggest to the forum administrators to have a "black list" for clear cases of dishonest behaviour on Soft forum? This could be a database of handphone and email addresses that forum users could use to do a "reputation search" before dealing with forum members they are not familiar with.
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I think an ebay-styled reputation system would be great. Right now the rep points are mainly for good/bad posts, a reputation system for selling reliability would be excellent. And relevant too
I think an ebay-styled reputation system would be great. Right now the rep points are mainly for good/bad posts, a reputation system for selling reliability would be excellent. And relevant too
i'd second that!

As much as we like to think that we are all honest Singaporeans, some of us are just a little selfish.
It's really a good idea. Just that forum users with bad reputation can easily start afresh with new userids at little cost to themselves?

How to plug this loophole? In addition to the above, maybe have a centralised blacklist complete with userids, email addresses and handphone numbers.

If I could, I would include photograph of the face too... hahaha!!!!!
Hopefully the seller will see this thread and contact you to resolve this issue quickly.

The list will not work because

Change mobile
Create new account
Most user sell just a few items
Hopefully the seller will see this thread and contact you to resolve this issue quickly.

The list will not work because

Change mobile
Create new account
Most user sell just a few items

Thanks, James. I see the difficulty to track such cases.
+1 to dudelove's post. ^

Hall of shame? With face, Contact number, user ID, IP address.

Change numb nvm. with face posted, cannot run. Qns is how to get the face.

Friendster? Facebook hahaha
Probably the only way to identify such a seller is to note down his IC number.

But that's taking it to an extreme.
yeah i agree with soft....will not work....cause new account/mobile can always be created...

more important is buyer have to be careful in these new era of internet dealing.....

people get conned everyday, everywhere......we just have to be a little cautious...
Probably the only way to identify such a seller is to note down his IC number.

But that's taking it to an extreme.

ahahaa... there is tis once i sold a dist to a guy and he asked for my IC. to write down my ic number and address. hmm... i feel like borrowing $ from loanshark
ahahaa... there is tis once i sold a dist to a guy and he asked for my IC. to write down my ic number and address. hmm... i feel like borrowing $ from loanshark

I wud have told him forget it ... no need to buy ....