Bassists Duels


New member
Thought of starting something fresh.

Wanna know who you guys would root for if you put two bassists of the same genre in a duel.

I'll start off first.

Mikey Way of MCR vs Pete Wentz of FOB.

Personally, I hate Pete Wentz.

1-0 to Mikey Way.
any bassist vs me

i sure lose. this reminds me that i should practise more on my 4 strings guitar.
(interesting topic but... could you put the full band name out? i don't know either of them!!!)

roffle @ james :lol: u cracked me up
Mikey Way is the bassist from My Chemical Romance...Pete Wentz is the attention seeking bassist of Fall Out Boy.

Mikey Way looked like a nerd with his lanky frame and thick glasses back in the early days of My Chemical Romance. When they got rich, he got Lasik Surgery and don't require glasses anymore....Damn, I wished I had lasik
i vote against both of them. sry.

i'll try to start one -

Pino Palladino (sessionist, John Mayer Trio, Paul Young etc)


Billy Sheehan (Mr BIG, Steve Vai)

i pick Pino, his licks and phrasing just pwns. however, sheehan's stage antics are... (refer back to SHEEHAN vs PAUL GILBERT vids) wow.
+1 to crispyegg's post. you can throw those 2 in the same category as the linkin park bassist. lol, sorry.. .couldn;t help it

pino palladino!! his work on john mayer trio is awesome. Sheehan's really good, but too extreme for my personal liking.
*eh Linkin Parks bassist... i like his rig so he doesn't get thrown out the window. =x c'mon, u have to admit u'd want his rig if you could!! Stingray basses!!!
hmm.. depend on what kind of genre you wana duel ...

hmm.. for punk/hardcore/pop-punk

i support sorry to say that FOB's bassits he's just another bassits who party like a rockstar too bad

he's think he is a rockstar

i think he is just a step emo bassits

the world will have different kind of view for emo because of you!!!

if its rock..

i think iron Maiden and Metallica 's bassits will win
both are super good..

huge hands!!!

if is metal..

its gonna be Paul Gray from Slipknot..

no other bassits can beat that..

Metallica is Trash metal yes.. but after their past records..

they name their genre under Rock..

cause after all

oh ok...anyway,i find this duel thread kinda you know that 1 is better than the other?on what ground you judge them? its only a matter of preference to me
reyrey +1

anyway, if you're looking for a ROCK bassist, my vote goes to


check out the LIVE video on youtube of KISS live in Brooklyn, NY.
the way he sings the verse.
the way he bobs his head (THE HAIRDO is totally weird, but fits his image and style 100%)
and the way he moves the neck of his bass and stomps into the chorus.

i have not seen any other bassist pull of such ROCK-STARDOM in a relaxed, cool manner. Most other bassists, (albeit cool), exaggerate and hop around the way vocalists and guitarists do. Gene Simmons put the ROCK into bass, and left it there for generations to come.

Anyone care to critic my opinion?

(btw KISS may be ROCK but i generally agree that they're somewhat "metal" in some ways)
hey - speaking of bass duels - I'd lie to cut heads with STEWARDBASS sometime!
i do own a frikkin bass NOW! its an old Jap Hondo P / J model - mint green with mirror pickguard ... nice small neck & low action for my 5 finger style plucking technique...

lets cut heads stewardbass...coz I know Obiwan has taught you well...
5 fingered technique? so you have economized!

i always remember the 11 fingers technique with no strap to hold your guitar!
hol guitar - check your spellin cretin bassman...

nah getting too old, its just 4 left hand figures on the fretboard & 1 thumb & four fingers plucking the strings.