Audio sample clip of my jamming....

Again, where was I getting personal with you? Where was the "attack"? And I really doubt I am undermining my character. Can you say you know me so well to make such a statement?

I'm glad you contributed all your ideas and experiences. I'm sure a lot of up an coming drummers have benefitted by them too. I have also shared and contributed too. Maybe some things helped; maybe some things did not. And do I look worried to you? Sorry for false impressions.


Thanks for confirming that I read well mentioned my name when I clearly addressed you with your nick. You suggested work references when the post needed none. Yes, you got personal with me....and really, its always better to own up to what you did then try to attempt a pathetic save like really just undermined yourself.

And yes, you sounded worried...and even more so now.

"I did share some ideas in my previous post. Revert to that. With hundreds of posts already posted there is ample references for newcomers. With the wealth of information out on the internet, and posts in other forums as well as here, you would have to be brain dead to miss them, or computer illiterate—which I don't think anyone here is either. Is not my suggestions enough to do a search on the topic that I have to play it out blow by blow? I want to believe in the intelligence of people here."

--Is this forum about testing anyone's intelligence? Do you feel an urge to prove your intelligence? If so, you have just proven otherwise. If you have some intelligence then you should not assume all members here are of a certain maturity level. Some are very young, some could be new to computers, some could be really old and new to computers and to some, this could be their first experience in a forum these people are not brain dead, just happened to have difference experiences and growth in life.

"You see how this works? Yes, go out and find the information on your own. Sometimes one sentence is enough to inspire someone to think on their own."

--Now, you just REALLY don't get it....but since this forum is not about a test of intelligence, I will break it down for you. This "one" sentence of yours referenced a book and 2 artists. That served as information whereas your other suggestions did not.

"Why not??? Because I am not teaching beginners here. That's why not. I want to believe people are intelligent and creative on their own to explore on their own. Is that wrong?"

--Again, do you think that ONLY Chewy will read this thread? Does starting a thread mean exclusivity? Has it crossed your mind that there are newbies here too? In fact, many?

"I think you answered your own question here."

--No, I answered the possible doubts to your suggestion. "playing against different rhythms" can mean a few different things again....if you REALLY need me to break it down again...I can. Just let me know....

"I believe I did give him some constructive feedback. I suggested to him some ideas that may challenge him and hopefully open his scope of playing. I didn't know that suggestions and ideas required full explanations with pages and pages of references, notes and "how-tos" lest they be called non-suggestions. Maybe I need to read the forum rules again."

--No you did not suggest any "merely" suggested a term and a possible bass drum pattern to work with that term...

"Yes, you are asking me to spoonfeed here. I gave references in my previous posts. Refer to them. If it's not up to your standards or satisfaction, then maybe you should take my ideas and suggestions and elaborate in a way that pleases you. What bone are you trying to pick with me anyway?"

--Again, I explained, I am not asking you to spoonfeed....but simply to just give ONE reference to your suggestion. Gosh, I'm beginning to think you do not even have half an idea!

Yes, it is not up to my satisfaction and therefore I tried to ask you to better explain your suggestions so that all can better benefit from it. Gosh, you are really picking on yourself here! My intentions were VERY SIMPLE and DIRECT! Just think for a quick second....if you would just explain my questions to you in detail....everyone benefits...whether young or old, seasoned or new!

"Everything I practice and learn is useful to any form of music. I thought I made that point lucid in some other threads. Did you not read them?"

--No, I don't read up on you. I apologize here for not doing so.

"No, I cannot. I don't have the time to be spoonfeeding. You're on your own finding it."

--Again....what's with you and spoonfeeding? Answering this again will be a waste of my time really....

"I think I have answered that with clarity."

--Again, your initial suggestion wasn't was just a meaningless term used and an exercise that you suggested with no clear reference to anything. Even if its referenced to you, its still something that you could have elaborated to help benefit all!!

"Why is it you feel you have to be redundant with me? Do you feel like you're a detective trying to expose something to make me look like a fool or poser? I really don't know what your problem is, and maybe I don't want to know. Is your point of responding to me in the manner that you have just to show off your chest and big arms? Or are you yourself trying to add substance to this thread with your interrogations on my posts? Please: If you don't like my posts, then complain to the management and have them deleted"

--You said it yourself:- "Seriously... were did I get personal. I really would like to know. Sometimes offences aren't founded or based in reality. Looking for "offences", or fabricating "offences" is usually called "baiting". And, that in itself, is offensive."

Ok, look it wasn't my intention to create such a heated discussion. All I did was asked a sincere question so that we all could get a clearer understanding of Bruce's ideas....

Sorry James. This will be my last post here.
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Ok guys, please discuss the topic. Any personal issues, please use the Private Messages (PM).
so much fire around nowadays.

well nice playing chewy!

maybe next time record with a bass player

Oh hi. Nice to "meet" you again! You must be one of those quiet ones. But it's ok. Come say hi la... I'd like to think of myself as someone friendly wor...

11 stroke would be RRLLRRLLRRL. There you are. 11-stroke roll. Just plenty of doubles and a single at the end. Sounds nice when you play it really fast. Doubles must be up to speed first la. And yeah, you might have played them before unknowingly. Try recording yourself playing perhaps? That would really help a lot in making sense of what you've been playing all along. Hope this helps. Btw, you can PM me too if it's about other stuff. I will try and help as much as I can la. (Read: there's no free lunch, but can give you some small tips la)

Hi Bruce,

I'm not so sure about the Zoom recorder. I've never had a chance to try it. The Edirol works really well, mic is really sensitive but I think it's twice the price of the Zoom one. I bought the Edirol some time back when it first came out. Since then no problems. Heh.

I'll try some of the stuff you've suggested. I'm sure the exercises will help us drummers plenty. And independence among the 4 limbs has always been a skill we all need if we want to achieve an outstanding level of playing. Thanks lots for the suggestions! :)
Daniel, I apologize for such a disturbance to happen in your thread. The only constructive feedback I have now is to practice with a metronome at a slower tempo to clean some of your note placements. Other than that I think your ideas were great! See u in another thread!

Sure. No problems man! See you soon. :) And thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks. Bass player sounds good. I'll think about that for sure. As for the fire, that's just part of life. Life cannot be always UP all the time ya? Sometimes got DOWN time also. I just learn whatever I can from everybody and just carry on with life. What doesn't break us just serves to make us stronger. Yeah?! :)
chewy bro,

right on about the UP time, DOWN time (wu si ki.... wu si lo ....)

its great to see you around, and good stuff u got there! just keep playing and keep recording man.... eventually.. it goes UP, but never down.... hehe

i thought it courageous of you to put up recording of yourself for feedback, knowing the temperature around here these days. lol!

bruce (usadrummer), i have one regret, and that is i wished both you and alvin had a chance to meet in real life when you were in singapore for holidays.

when people meet face-to-face, they have a better grasp of the person, and less chance to misunderstand each other.

you have met both me and frank in person, so you have a better grasp of us.

in my postings to frank, i have always held him in respect, and only reminded him to keep himself and his language in check where it may be inappropriate at times.

i lament why he would be so rude at times. he has built some of his happiness on our sorrow.

again, just so u know, i have always maintain my choice is not to delete or moderate any of frank's remarks, but leave it so the world can judge for themselves.

this forum does not belong to me. the owner can override my authority with regards to posts/thread actions.

warm regards
Okay. Point taken. Thanks for the help. I kinda felt that the triplets I did was a little strange. LOL! I was using a metronome, so I think it just sort of was squeezed in and then back on the 1 again. Thanks for the insight. I was just watching some vids of Steve Gadd's paradiddle genius. I'd be tryinbg those stuff out tmr for sure. Thanks for the heads up. Appreciate it.

One more thing, let me know how the Zoom works out. I wanna get one for my friend if it works well. Thanks lots in advance! :)
Yeaps! Got UP got Down, then the world can go round. Wah... very lame... I know...


Courageous? You bet man. I hoped to get some form of feedback from the community here and the risk is well worth it. I've had nice words and great suggestions. Now for more practising. Will be uploading more clips soon hopefully. My Soundforge is a little cranky lately. Have to sort out some problems before uploading again. Ciao!
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bruce, its good. i have no issues with what you have wrote, because i accept your views and everyone has their own.

keep the good stuff rolling !!!
Bruce our Brother, no worries. I'm sure everything's ok and as mentioned "It's a misunderstanding" happens all the time in a forum....

Sob...sob...I wish I could oneday have my own Audio clip of my own recording in my Jam (when I'm good enough) ...but I'll work hard on it....yeah cheers..
Hey Bruce,

Man, I'm REALLY GLAD you would look at my initial post to you in a different way! I remembered our relationship to be pretty cool during the old forum (SDC) and we even conversed via emails for a bit outside of the forum. I was pretty upset when I had to leave the old forum because there were simply too many discouraging words being used on the younger kids. When I saw your nick appeared here I acknowledged you immediately....

I have never had any intentions to pick any fights here and many who has met me can vouch for that. My intention was simply to ask you to elaborate further so that some of the newbies can relate to it better. There are ALOT of newbies here and alot wouldn't even know how to question an idea properly. I truly respected your suggestions and was really hoping you would share your experiences here. I remembered you to be one of the few truly sincere guys in the old forum and was really excited to see you join us here.

I know that it is a pity that many other local pros could not find the time to join us here...there is so much more that could really happen here. Imagine having Tama Goh, Jimmy Lee, Tony Zee, Brandon Khoo, Boon Gee etc. all contributing regularly...we will have a HUGE pool of ideas/advises that both newbies and oldies can benefit from (I know I would for sure!)....however, we all have to understand that everyone has their own method of contributing....they might already be helping out loads in their classrooms/homes etc...just through different medias.

Both Alfe & I are really busy too...we still try to squeeze in our morning practices, teach in the day and both of us literally have rehearsals & gigs almost every single night...those who drops by the lab regularly would know (sorry guys for the constant noise that we put u through!). However, both Alfe and I still truly believe that the forum is still a great place to learn and share and therefore, regardless of how tired we might be and regardless of the numerous crap we see we still persist on. It doesn't really matter what is being said....the fact is we are sincere about sharing (and stealing haha!) and therefore we stayed!

I really wish I can show you my smile as I'm typing this to you (I'm really straight...ya...). I am really hope you would truly accept that my intentions were real.

As for Jazz...I'm still doing it bro!! Haha...Just that I no longer play nightly gigs anymore so you don't see me as public as before (playing nightly for 6 years is more than enough for me). Most of my shows are coorporate functions...(recently did alot of product launches etc) and concert-type shows (O2Q is really keeping me VERY busy). Recently I've just started work with a great local guitarist called Rosli Mansor and am starting to play some rock too!

As for a beer:- Sorry I don't drink anymore...haha...but I'll buy you the beer and I have my coffee! We'll definitely catch up properly for real when you drop by next!

And, no hard feelings for sure! And please continue to share!


Thanks for your explaining.

I can't say that I know Alvin other than I remember him all the way back when he was in his college and posting things on the old drum forum. I remember him posting some Jazz stuff he was learning in those college days, and listening to the development (ALVIN: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE JAZZ STUFF?) At that time I was doing a lot of posting myself. I know we shared some ideas and drum talk stuff. But I also know that a lot of misunderstandings can take place in the forum too, and I'm sure this whole debacle between Alvin and I is based on a lot of misunderstandings. Maybe I read his intentions wrong, or took his motives into question. But I suppose that's for another day.
But you know, I ain't here to stir up trouble and cause hard feelings. That's just not my way, unless I'm provoked. And, too me, I was seeing Alvin's postings to me as provocation. Now, maybe I'm wrong, and maybe I took things wrong, and I'll be the first one to say I'm wrong if I'm wrong. And who knows... maybe next time I'm in Sg I'll run into Alvin and maybe have a beer or two with him, and then he can kick my butt on the drums. And Alvin, if you're reading this, no hard feelings, bro. Sorry I got upset. Let's let bygones be bygones. It's not good for either of us to harbor ill feelings. OK?
I guess for me, sometimes I can come up with an idea or suggestion, but then when asked to elaborate my mind kinda goes blank on "how to?" It's always easier to show things live than try to explain them in the forum. I'll do my best in explaining things, though.

Totally agree - So true Bruce, and I believe this goes the same for many Professionals too, it's indeed easier to show and explain many things pertaining to drumming in a "Live" manner/situation then in a Forum .... (really too much to write many a times and explaining the details will be so cumbersome).....this was also the main reason as to why Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore & Meetup was instituted here within this Forum.......and I heard from my Chairman that we're going to have a Meetup very soon....that's really great.

PS:- and on your next trip to Singapore, do pm myself or Alfe, so that we will try to arrange a DXS Meetup on the Saturday that you will be around and we can all meet you up, chat play drums and have lots of fun for the day..ok
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Man, its all cool!

As for gigs...yup, a usual club gig now in Singapore can at most fetch you $150 for 3 sets a night, which can get pretty tough. Events on the other hand pays between $250 to $800 per show and concerts up to $1500 per show...its definitely a big difference.

Look, there is nothing to be envious about! If I am based where you are, I'll have trouble getting gigs too! The level of musicianship there is just insane....I mean there are great players here too like Jimmy Lee, Tama Goh, Tony Zee, Joshua Wan, Adam Lee etc etc....but there is a much MUCH larger pool there to compete with!

I heard your recordings and there are great! Your feel is really good...I enjoyed listening to them really. As for me....the only thing closest to Jazz I can get my hands on is with O2Q (The Olivia Ong Quintet)....but even then, its only really simple standards that we tackle and majority of the music is still pop/funk/dance/Bossa....but its still a great band to work with nonetheless...we have a new line up of permanent players now with Roy Dragon on bass and Gerard Rodrigues on guitar and Luiz Vital on keys...all these guys are really something! I'm happy! We've been doing some exclusive concerts/shows both locally and regionally and its been great.

And your suggestion for the pros thread is pretty good in terms of clarity and streamlining the forum...but it still doesn't serve as an "attraction" for them to visit. The exchange on the other hand can be easier because official invitation can be presented and we can also assure them some form of publicity (although not a whole lot...) as an incentive.

Anyways, we'll keep our heads cracking for sure...if everyone here has a more open and positive (most important supportive) attitude I'm sure things will grow...speak soon ya??
Yeaps! I heard that during that time, Gadd's transcriptions were selling in music stores and were selling like hotcakes! I checked out his solo on YouTube when he was performing at Java Jazz this year. He's still THE man. He's got all his stuff spot on. Even at this age he plays really really mean stuff. I'd be a happy man if I could do half of what he's doing at that age.

Btw, could you perhaps email me the transcripts that you have or maybe post the link to the site? I would love to study them and try to get them down in my playing too.

The Zoom sounds like a good buy. I'm looking to load up on my new drum studio soon. Just checked out prices of a new kit and hardware. I'm intending to set up a simple recording studio at my new place. Any suggestions? Perhaps we could PM instead from here? Thanks man! Peace!