:arrow: Results for SOFT 1st online music competition!

As for mingguan's comments on the submission and voting rate, I thought it is a very important question and appropriate to discuss further - especially since this is the first time SOFT had a competition like this. Anyone has comments?
Cheez said:
Mingguan, maybe we collaborate on this one...some time.
I will be very willing to do collaboration with you as it is my pleasure (Mr Cheez leh...). I know my knowledge & skill not up to standard enough to collaborate with you. But I will render my whatever available time on it... if we going do it.

To all SOFTies,
Hm... just curious:
1. What is the reason that make you participate/not participate in this 1st SOFT music composition?
2. What is the reason that make you vote/not vote in this 1st SOFT music composition?
I think most Softies here are self taught guitarist and our knowledge of music theory is not strong as this is more of a serious music composition. I can write simple basic 4 chords pop music but not music with serious arrangement.

You can count with 1 hand how many well learned musician here in Soft and hundreds of axe shreadders . But it is good to have these music competition as it showcase a serious side of music here :)

wahhh... congrats to the winner...
its a really nice piece indeed.
so nice that, ironically, u'r piece is the only one i had saved even before the results are out.
u deserve it.. :D
purplehaze3691 said:
I think most Softies here are self taught guitarist and our knowledge of music theory is not strong as this is more of a serious music composition.

I think it was meant to be a competition for everybody. Doesn't matter whether one has background or not, although those with more expertise will have a upper-hand.

Well, perhaps in the future, we should split it up into different categories - guitarists, keyboardists etc. Then under the guitarist competition, we can have "the best shredder", "the best ....".

Will that work?

I think the open voting is suitable perhaps for non-prized competition. For "bigger" competitions with prizes, open voting may not be fair in the sense that one could register himself/herself as a new member multiple times just to place a vote (the motivation to cheat is higher). In these cases, perhaps a panel of judges may be more fair - but judges must be varied (guitarist, keyboardist, arranger, vocalist etc) and must not be a novice. Fair?

For voting, I still think responses will be more if it's annonymous. Somehow people are not willing to let people know who they are when they vote. The SOFT surveys, as I mentioned, usually gets more than 100 responses easily.
as this is the first competition, there are many things that we can fine-tune and make it better.

the reason why i decided to use the forum for voting is because i want the voters to take responsibility for their vote. this makes it a little more transparent. like how someone could give low rating to a good entry and high rating to a so-so entry. hmmm....

but this method has loopholes too. since everyone can see the results real-time, they might get friends to vote for them if they are falling behind.

the reason why i kept the rating to be 1,2,3 is so that it will be less easy to rig the votes. imagine if we have 1 to 100. if someone rate his friend's song 100 and the others 1, we will have a big gap. and this is just 1 'friend'.

i am happy with the number of entries and even more so for the quality of the entries.

will do a second competition soon. i believe this might be a good way to encourage better songwritting among SOFTies.
Actually, 1-2-3 is a little difficult to vote - many will fall into category "2". As for any scale like this (we call them the Likert Scale), the suggestion is to use even numbers. 1-2-3-4 may be better - so force people to choose between 2 and 3 instead of taking the middle stand. This way, votes may not be so close together and perhaps slightly more accurate. I agree that large scales are not good - I wouldn't go more than a scale of 10.

Thanks James for organizing this competition, Looking forward to more ahead!
Song title

Hi Song 2 title is "Save it for the nite" Basically is name after the lyric of the voice sample that i have in this recording, ha ha.

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