Any Watchmen Fans here? The Graphic Novel not the band


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Any fans of Watchmen?



Im a big fan of Watchmen Graphic Novel as you can see from my avatar and signature.
The movie is coming out and im hyped about the movie which opens on 6th March.

Here's the trailers.
Trailer 1
Trailer 2
Trailer 3
Japan Trailer
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Hahaha. I predict soulalt to turn up soon enough.

I wasn't a big fan of the comic until I read it recently, and its quite a read. Lots of interesting themes there. "Who watches the Watchmen..." very potent line, considering the global sociopolitical climate today.
me. but i feel disappointed coz it seems tt they are making and marketing it to be juz another of those superhero movies...which is quite against the intention of alan moore i tink

no wonder he wans nth to do with it..
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. love the scene in the book when he was asked on what those mirrored butterfly images meant to him in the cosultation or interrogation room, i forgot.
I wonder if the intratextuality of the comic will translate to film. On many levels it's a comic about comics.
fan of both the film & the band ;)

i guess the film producers have to struggle with making a film that retains the subversiveness of the original text, yet appeals to the average dumb kid so that they can make money to offset the initial investment. dollars and sense at work, again. :(

and whats worse is that i heard that they changed the ending... _@#$(&*(
SPOILER ALERT! *swipe text*

(They changed it from an alien invasion to an attack from a giant monster squid. Which is a small thing to me...)

I don't think he will fu ck it up too badly but I think it's gonna be very Hollywood-ized. Somemore the focus on wire stunts as evident in the trailers... Hmm...
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SPOILER ALERT! *swipe text*

They changed it from an alien invasion to an attack from a giant monster squid. Which is a small thing to me...

bro, you got it the other way around... the book was the giant monster squid and they swapped that out to sthg else...
Then it must be that they've changed it to the alien invasion then! Or is it a nuclear explosion? Very 80's. Hahaha.

I'm seeing a lotta John Woo style kinda slo-mo fight scenes which were all over 300. Which I wasn't really a fan of.
SPOILER ALERT! *swipe text*

(They changed it from an alien invasion to an attack from a giant monster squid. Which is a small thing to me...)

I don't think he will fu ck it up too badly but I think it's gonna be very Hollywood-ized. Somemore the focus on wire stunts as evident in the trailers... Hmm...

The alternate ending might have been a red herring. There are rumours that they filmed more than one ending

or not...
forgive me for not being a big fan..haha. yet.. anyone know where to get the comics from locally? heard so much about it, wanna read it for myself.haha..
every change will cripple the full moral impact of the overall storyline, which is why I guess Alan moore doesnt want anything to do with it. It's like a picture speaks a thousand words vs. action speaks louder than words..
no offence, but zack snyder made a mess of 300... turned it into some MTV-fied CGI fest. urgh.

but 300 was meant to be a feature length MTV isn't it? inject a bit of history and it'll unsexify itself. and i think if u let frank miller direct it, it'll be a lot worse!