All hail the TubeScreamer

What do you want to see in an OD / TS Variant

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Was reading the thread by sleepykitty re: making a soft pedal

Seems like a large number of softies love the TS or TS variants.
Its a pretty good pedal I agree.

I love it as it is, just wished it was cheaper and "maybe" true bypassed.

So I'm gona start a poll to see what are the more dire features/mods
you guys yearn for in an TS/OD pedal.

I like the tone of the TS as it is but i find it does cut some highs when disengaged. making it true-bypass would be a welcome improvement. adding an EQ to it would be interesting.
i have the Orignal SD-9 sonic distortion. given by a friend uncle who bought during his Mat rocker hey day.. :cool:
i already own the variants which give me what i wanna hear- some voicing/ drive differences, the reason why i got these 2:



Hi sub. sorry this is probably off topic, how do you find the biyang OD? i thought of trying out their efx. their pedals are really affordable and true bypass..
A 3 knob tone control (bass, mids, treble) would be nice, but I think it would ruin the simplicity of the TS.
I think having dual drives is cool. Make them easily stackable. And very touch sensative.

If thats possible. haha.

Stacking is quite the "in" thing now i *think*
Ibanez's Jemini is all about cascading gain- one module offers a regular distortion voicing, the other a tubescreamer. it's not here yet though...

it's already out but it has not touched down here yet. IMO it's an interesting take on our use-2-drive-pedals practice. it's indeed one of the pedals i look to forward to own but i prefer a non-Vai paint job. but it's inevitable, it's made for him anyway...
Something like TS meets Rat would be nice.

I guess that would be like a Skreddy Screwdriver type concept. Fuzz and Distortion.