a sneak peek of my tele project


New member
its made up of a squier standard tele body..the one thats is black with a mirror pickguard..the condition was really bad..got lots of chips and cracks,,but i filled it up..got abit of runs here and the in the paint,waiting for it to dry and wet sand then up with the poly urethane gloss!!!cant wait...haha comments ya?



yup...budget mah..lol...not bad lah my balcony facing forest..den no much wind....somemore i spray damn thin and slowly build up so very fast dry...
oh i get it! you're trying to get it to look like the tele in your avatar!! nice work so far man. really looking great
hmm i think you should find that maple fretboard. i think it looks better that way, but then again, i may be wrong
ps juz now see wrong...anyway i stripped it using an electric sander with a kind of super coarse sandpaper...its for industrial use...i got it from my school workshop...
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jialat...i just realised that the bridge kelvin sold me doesn't fit the body properly..must reroute the bridge pick up cavity...wah piang eh...juz when it was goin to be done..oh well hiccups do happen..got any advice for me?
okay...i really need to know how did you manage to fill those dig holes?? and waht kind of green of spray paint did you buy? thanks
hmm i used wood filler to fill the holes up..and the paint was anchor aerosol spray..from art friend...the one next to sweelee...its called turqoise...the closest i can find...