Your take on guitar solos


New member
I’ve hopefully moved towards being a more tasteful player myself so I somehow felt that this would be an interesting subject to discuss, I'll start :)

IMHO being a player who is really into blues and jazz, the solos in blues and jazz feel more like a part of the music and a solo is being played all the time, yet done tastefully. I feel in rock solos, it's more of the player having his or her moment and playing as many licks as possible that are uncalled for, which I find this to be not really musical.

What's your opinion?
sometimes they are less musical, but this does not necessarily mean they are less correct. Bcos the audience might find enjoyment in those solos too.
I don't think its fair to divide the world into blues and jazz on the one hand and rock on the other. Within rock many solos are part of the music and not simply a player having his or her moment. I also think there are many blues players who would agree that their solos are an opportunity to have their moments. Maybe you are thinking of some shredders? I think some more specificity is needed to guide this thread.
Yeah no worries I wasn't ruling anything out, on some days I can be the biggest Gilbert fan, just thought it'd be an interesting discussion to see how softies integrate solos with their music 8)
What we like, usually we dont see the bad side. And when its something we cant get into, we will tend to see only the bad side. When infact both cud be the same thing, but in different context and which ever direction/point we are looking at/from

i think solos are not just to let the player have 'his/her moment' it helps to complete the song and add that extra 'oomph'
yeah and music shouldn't be compared directly like that imo (:

but don't worry , haha no offence taken
I enjoy solos... I think there is a place for them in all kinds of music.

I enjoy the raw energy of some solos, those that seem over the top and self indulgent, because, when I try to go for that feel, man, I tell you it is not easy to get that.

E.g. Dave Mustaine totally killed Petrucci in getting that wild, crazed feel

But some enjoy machine like precision and accuracy. Then for those, regarding the above vid, Petrucci is the killer.

For jazz, I enjoy things that be more melodic, not too "out there" (experimental, free form jazz comes to mind) so to speak, because I believe that music has to have a certain order in it.

Hmmm... with regards to "tasteful" playing... gotta note, its for the song AND/OR for the performance! Go wild if you have to, if it gets the audience up and moving! Go tastefully restrained if need be if the song calls for it...
With all due respect, it's kinda ridiculous to say that guitarists from a certain genre are better than those that play another type of genre - it's the classic case of comparing apples against oranges.

I have met so many so-called jazz guitarist/musicians who think that they are so good just because they play jazz. The truth is that they play horribly and chances are they will play horribly regardless of which genere of music they play. But to them, playing jazz seems like a way to feel that they are better thatn 3-chord rock guitarists.

All great guitarists can play almost any genre. This is a fact.

This all boils down to how good a musican one is. Music is about expression, and there are so many type of genres out there all because there are so many ways to express one's thoughts and emotions. Jazz is only but onw genre that covers a small spectrum of the human emotions.

If you can find one great jazz guitarist, I and, I am sure others here can readily find just as good a rock guitarist. It's as simple as that.

It's all about playing music that touches people and/or makes them think deeper than they otherwise would - without that piece of music. Again jazz only coves a small spectrum.

Just because jazz, as a standard includes more chords then the standard rock song does not mean that jazz is better or more difficult - again - it's the classic case of comparing apples against oranges.

Just enjoy what you do and do the best that you can. As it is, it is difficult to compare one rock guitarist against another. What more to ocmpare an entire group of guitarist against another group?

Enoy. Play, Share, Explore, Open up your mind.

Stop looking outward because the most important music is the one that is within you. I reallty think it is sad to lock yourself into only one genere of music.

Just my .02. There's just so much out there and so much within ourselves if we look within instead of locking ourselves to a certain tightrope.

RoRK said:
I have met so many so-called jazz guitarist/musicians who think that they are so good just because they play jazz.

well..rork..i believe that line can speak for a sense that.

u cant fill a cup that is full any further.

for those u dun get wad i how does one improve if one is convinced that one is good...more often than not,one gets complacent,and remains stagnant.
Black_Death said:
for those u dun get wad i how does one improve if one is convinced that one is good...more often than not,one gets complacent,and remains stagnant.

Hehehe... have you seen the SOFT Open Mic section?

That's a good place to get complacent.

On 1 hand you can say that the musician is convinced by himself that is he there, but on the other hand, it can the environment that cultivates such thinking.

E.g. look at pop culture.

In our case, in the Open Mic section, there's a huge lack of honesty IMO. Or it could be a case of... well, having a low standard or something. Most of the comments come in 1 liners that praise the music to no end, when its really something mediocre.

But thats SOFT, or rather, Singapore... or rather... pop culture. Nothing one can do about it.
Basket Daniel! Is that why you never comment on my stuff at the Open Mic? ;-)

I knoe what you mean dude. But I try to stay constructive and only give good comment when I think it's good. We should be looking at achieving internaitonal standards - nothing less than that. Having said that, we should also encourage those that seem to have some talent in them.

I just got roasted not too long ago for giving constructive comments. Made me think, "what the heck is wrong with a lot of the people" here. Blind faith is no faith yah.

RoRK said:
Basket Daniel! Is that why you never comment on my stuff at the Open Mic? ;-)

Tee hee hee ~

No lah!

Its just that I've kind of... given up lah. You can count with 1 hand who bothers to comment lah. The rest just.. fluff. Feel good fluff.
PatheinRaindropMoe said:
What we like, usually we dont see the bad side. And when its something we cant get into, we will tend to see only the bad side. When infact both cud be the same thing, but in different context and which ever direction/point we are looking at/from


Thats a great point bro :D
RoRK said:
I just got roasted not too long ago for giving constructive comments. Made me think, "what the heck is wrong with a lot of the people" here.

well bro..maebe some cant recognise contructive comments when they see one..maebe perhaps their command in the language isnt so good?

i dunno...juz a possibility..

heh..talking abt tt..rork..have u ever posted ur work in the OM?? i havent noticed.heh..hope u intend to...


cheerios bro!
Take note that my "No Refund" policy stands. :-)

And what about your stuff? Where do you keep them?

i've never recorded aniting..basically im really bad at guitar la..hahhaa..

no kidding man..

nvm..i'll try harder..wait and see..i mean..hear..
RoRK said:

If you can find one great jazz guitarist, I and, I am sure others here can readily find just as good a rock guitarist. It's as simple as that.

1 great rock guitarist- slash. well juz my opinion lah. i find it hard to play til i sound that full of emotion. maybe i should start a how-to on this :? .

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