Your most serious accident or near death expirience

wah you guys. crazy stories sia.
and shred5, your picture gives me the creeps, since i'm squeamish and i easily get nauseated at the sight of blood. sigh. haha

1) happened very long ago at my granny's house. i was playing tag with my cousins and i fell right in front of my mum. i cried like there was no tomorrow and my mum didnt believe that i was in pain till i was in a bad mood even when we got home. she took me to the hospital and found out that my leg was fractured.

2) i almost got hit by a reversing truck cos the driver couldn't see me. i managed to get away though, and the look on his face was priceless when he finally saw me. hahaha

3) i get easily nauseatic when i see blood. even if it's from a teeny weenie wound (this one sometimes only). and when that happens, i get cold sweat, my vision gets blurred and i have the urge to just drop to the floor and pass out. and it feels like i'm gonna die everytime it happens. i haven't found a way to avoid this though. any ideas?

but my experiences are nowhere near all of yours. hahaha
Don't know if I've posted yet but I've had a lot of close-death encounters with reckless taxi drivers speeding through the Green Man.

Not sure if it was the worst but in terms of blood loss, it was quite bad. One of the more memorable ones. I crushed my toe. Was fixing up a bookcase when one of the shelves fell off and landed square on my two big toes. Miraculously, the left one was fine, but the right one bled a lot. Surprisingly, it didn't quite hurt until a few hours later. Until now my right big toe is still f**ked, even after two years plus. The toenail often grows in and it occasionally bleeds every now and then. Hurts when it gets hit, but I think I'm pretty fortunate. No traffic accidents, no broken bones, no lost limbs so far. Only a crushed toe. It could have been worse.

I've also stabbed my hand with a scissors, but it happened a very long time ago and I don't have much recollections of it other than the fact that although it hurt, it didn't bleed.
Yup.. i know. Its never easy for me too. To see the blood trickling down my ankle and there's nothing I could do to stop it. Just ignored the sight and had to focus on my pillion's condition immediately after the accident. It was only from the accident site to the hospital did the overwhelming pain engulfed me. Thankfull to God Almighthy that both of us didn't sustain any serious injury.
I heard that Singapore has overtaken New York in having the worst drivers. Sometimes, I wish I was a policeman, so I could book and charge all the dangerous drivers.

Still remember the van that knocked down and killed a schoolboy? Still gives me shudders. With drivers like that so common in Singapore, we ought to live every day as if it is our last...
2)Dunt know this was an out of body experience or what but I was in this dream, and I was stuck in it, all pitch black. The thing is I know I was in the dream, but have no power to wake up at all. Kinda like stuck underneath a tank, totally powerless and pressed and scary. Dunno how the hell I managed to woke up in the end, told my dad about it, and he told me it was a sleep demon, like the one shown on TV on Sun Wu Kong (Journey to the west) :D

Could be sleep paralysis. quite an interesting subject.

about 5 years ago, I almost got struck by lighting. the lightning bolt hit a lamp post about a meter from me. I was temporarily blinded from the flash (kinda whited out) but kept on running forward in the rain. after that the lamp post was blackened (chao ta)

not to mention my "ghostly" experiences during my 3+ months bmt at pulau tekong. they amount to a total of FIVE separate experiences. i do not have a "gift" (thank goodness i don't), but that place is way too farked up. thank goodness i'll never step into that damn island again.
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One time when, I think was like 9 or 11, I missed a step on the escalator and fell, almost hitting my head. My head missed by a few inches from those metal teeth sticking out from the steps, but I had long and ugly bleeding cuts on both my arms and shins.

In Primary school, I remember playing soccer in the field and I was a goalie. I got knocked out cold when the old goal post came crashing down onto my head.

A year ago, my toe got caught in a lift door while I attempted to hold it back to let my mom and sisters through. I was wearing sandals and the underneath of that stupid steel block within the door was hollow. Eventually I got my toe out, but damn, I bled like hell. Some of my skin tore away and was dragged under that lift door.

Also during the same year after a few months from the lift accident, I was in NS and had just dismounted from duty. Being in the K-9 unit we had this military vehicle called the Dog Van and sometimes after duty we would drive down to the barracks on it. So we parked outside the canteen to get some chow right, and I was talking to the driver with my right hand placed on the passenger door. I f**kin' screamed my ass off when one of my platoon mates accidentally closed the door, slamming my index finger into the car as well.

I had a deformed fingernail for a long time. It's alright now, in fact it's healed but some of the marks still remain.

That's pretty much it as well as the occasional dog bite during my NSF days.
Car died at 90km/h on the expressway. Engine, aircon, dashboard, everything just went off.
And you could hear the speeding taxi behind you approaching...

Lesson learnt? ALWAYS wear your seatbelt.
Mine aren't consider serious I guess

Happened at the end of last year, was alighting from 72 at Tampines Interchange. I missed the kerb(I have short legs) while alighting and I sprained my left feet ligaments when I landed with my full body weight and landed on the ground, so unglam please. :(

Went to the Chinese doctor, got it treated. However I got a terrible skin infection from the Chinese herb wrap and my whole feet was covered with rashes and pus from those rashes wound. A hearty combo of sprained feet and terrible skin infection.

Back when I was in primary school, my bro was sending me to tuition on the bicycle, I was siting infront... sideways... it was a bumpy ride... and my left feet ended up in the front wheel. I rmb screaming my lungs off.
hey~this's a darn interesting topic....ahah...have my own near death experiences.stating those which i can remember...hmm...

- when i was young, almost dive straight into a park's filthy pond , with full acceleration , on a bicycle. luckily i made a violent turn and ended up with injuries.

- when i was young, having some scooter race with my neighbour on the empty granite roads, i went too fast, went out of balance and flew off, ended up with injuries too. but it kinda hit my funny bone and i cant stopped laughing.

-have various experiences of being punched, rolling off hills and staircases(seriously.),ended up with fractures and stuff. but still living.

-but the worse 'near death' experience i had. was when i was having one of my regular jogs last time, i over-exerted myself too much on 1 session. that i have difficulty breathing,feel faint, could not even walk a straight line and i could really see stars(no kidding!). there are some passer-bys but damm em ,never helped me out a dying person. i almost died on that day.....fortunately, i recovered gradually with inhaling deep struggling gasps of air.god bless.
Don't know if I've posted yet but I've had a lot of close-death encounters with reckless taxi drivers speeding through the Green Man.


I kana many times - not only taxi ... allotta impatient MOFO drivers around now days ...
ok its my turn.its serious when u get hit.luckily i ocured last year June.sch holidays yea so went for vacation back to my country,phillipines.going back is an excitement.i luv riding.i learnt hw to drive car n jeepney when i was pri3.i jus need a pillow so i could see whre im going.i usually drive on the roads with less vehicles at my kampong area there:D.i started riding bike last yr june.and whoa the feeling is really nice with gr8 accelaration n wind rushing through ur its time to hit the ROAD!usually in phillipines u dont wear helmets will nt get caught.and im only 15 last yr,no license also.i gt heavy foot n hand grip when im driving,so means im speedy.was riding at 80km/h turned on a blinded curve when i saw a tricycle loaded with ppl.[tricycle is lyk a morotbike with a sidecar that can carry passengers].its lyk a less than a meter when i manage to turn to used to keeping left as s'pore is right hand on driving while in the phil. is i manage to hit the brakes and even used my flip flops to brake.foot has few scatches though and i was so thankful that i manage to"siam" the tricycle if nt i'm sure its gonna be a very painful injury or death.Thank God. =)
Soccer almost killed me. hehe when i was young the ball went to the road. and me, being the stupid young kid i was, ran after it. truck almost fractured my skull. lucky it was only a minor concussion. lol.
oh, and last year i damn suay. first soccer training of the year, i fractured my wrist. banned from school soccer by my parents now. lol.
I was 6 years old.
Cycled full speed with my eyes closed cos I saw Arnold Schwarzeneggar did that in one movie.

Hit a wall and fell into a drain and the bicycle brake stabbed thru my right eyebrow, missing my eye by a few cm.
But I didn't feel any pain. :D

I have NEVER cycled ever since. :D