Young band looking for bassist who is comfortable with any genre!


New member
Hello guys, my band is looking for a bassist (both male and female is fine, but for the guys, preferably to have NS commitments out of the way). Our band plays genres like alternative rock, pop, pop-punk, indie, classics, and abit of classic rock. Our band also crafts originals with no fixed genre during our spare time.

We are looking for someone who is between the age of 18-25 due to us still being young band and also someone who can commit on one session per week basis (more if there are performances) as well as being a good communicator and team player.

We also require someone who has got a good sense of timing to be able to glue the band together (especially locking in with the drummer) in terms of sound, being able to change their playing style to open up room for different interpretations of a song that the band might decide to cover and also having basic knowledge of scales as it'll be easier for us to communicate whenever we are songwriting or arranging together. The most important requirement of all is have an open and understanding mindset as all of us are still young.

We are hoping to start performing when our lineup is complete so if you are interested don't be afraid to PM me if you wish to know more.