yamaha eg112gp


New member
hey there...wonder if any1 has this yamaha model eg112gp...dont think it's pacifica...wat r ur views of it?gotta do some research of it b4 buying..haha...
it's the SSH strat copy right? starter package? if so, I have it and it's for sale :D PM me if you're interested

IMO it's a good starter guitar, a tad better than samick, SX or other beginner guitars, but the price is a bit on the high side. The best thing about the guitar is the neck, despite the Indonesian make, it's a speedy unfinished maple neck, which was really comfortable when I was playing it. The singlecoil pickups are a bit on the weak side, but will suffice if you don't intend to go pro with this guitar, or intend on switching the pickups to better ones. However, if you intend to whammy a lot, I would advise you not to get Yamaha starters because they tend to go out of tune after a few divebombs.
how much u selling?
the thing i'm worried most is..the electronics...
i hav tried 1(my fren's neighbour's) with only the humbucking pickup working...
also,my fren says tt guitar sometimes produce sound
but sometimes dont...the reviews at harmony central also say the electronics r bad...