Yamaha AES620

subversion said:
HOFNER: how's your Spider amp coming along? any likely reviews here? 8)

ic thanks for educating me....hmm yes i will review the spider some day...i love the crunch channel....sounds great for classic rock. just the right tone for me. I use the insane channel when trying out whammy bar tricks.give me some time guys...N lvl year sucks...so busy.

of course, there's the above-pictured LTD EC-50 to consider. it's a very good guitar, mind you. so are the rest of the 50-series LTD...
where's wakemeupmusic? is the guitar for sale?
looked at the 50 series today and well, didn't quite feel right in my hands. the yamaha was nicer to play. thks for the recommendations tho. cheers