www.mysongbook.com down!

Late on the discussion - but have you ever thought - this could be something good for you as a musician?

A lot of players started out tabbing out the songs of their favourite artists, and some of their skills come from honing their tabbing and listening abilities.

I'm beginning to enjoy tabbing out esteoric songs which the world wide web doesn't have a clue what those songs are, and I'm enjoying tabbing them and using my listening skills.

My 5 cents worth.

If you are true in your heart as a musician, this would not hamper your progress one bit. IF you're just a dependant leech, this would be the end of the world.
HollowYears said:
If you are true in your heart as a musician, this would not hamper your progress one bit. IF you're just a dependant leech, this would be the end of the world.

thts why I m sad.. :cry: Can't learn last minute songs for my band,end of the world..

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