www.gigvideos.com - Retro Groove Live @ Waterfront , Esplanade 1st January 2012

Nice nice. Better to use a tripod or else too tiring for the hand. This is the 60D and Q3?
the Q3 is just the audio wired into my sony sr8e. both video cams recording just in case my sony gives way. (insurance) but turned out working well throughout the 3 sets so I didn't use the Q3 video at all (Q3 films weak colours in low light too as compared to a normal vidcam). because Q3 audio did not have the "limiter" which my old H2 had, so I was using the Sony's limiter which worked out well in getting that "full" sound (I still did some post production audio EQs though)


60D weight is fine because I was using a shoulder mount which I bought when I was on prayer trip in hat yai , that looks like a bazooka or something more hightech than a handheld police speed camera. ah you know merlin? something like merlin (if i'm not wrong $1500sgd) but at $50 haha. besides, I've been weight training and it's working when the audio location gears get lighter and lighter.. and besides, it's more "lifelike" to have a roaming camera with different angles and focuses. especially with retro groove's audience with the random dancing and fgl walking into the crowds out of the tripod camera angles and the restriction limits of esplanade for "affecting audience viewing experience" especially for someone my size. So many factors to worry filming at esplanade eh.

"travelling" around is more important for me because while filming I was taking shots when I see a nice angles to decorate for FGL's DVD menu screen.

I'm no photoshop master yet (emphasize yet). but I'm working on it.
haha thanks man, it's just making use of whatever I got, if I had another H1 to spare, I'd tap from the mixer feed. but I got trust issues with live soundmen for some mysterious reason, they'd either unplug my ac or unplug my feed ("because they were BUSY patching some sends whatever etc") then I'd master the mixer's audio to sound much better. that's why I'd rather just rely on my zoom's mics. I'd probably get H1 for my DSLR.
alamak.. the black patch patch with "Live @ The Waterfront Esplanade..." is blocking out something many softies want to see! :p