WTS Peavey Envoy 110


New member
The Peavey Envoy 110's surprising great and descent amplifier. Good enough for studio or
personal recordings the clean tone from this amp is amazing. There are variable selections
from vintage to classic to warm tone selections.

3 astounding tonal variations per channel
— like having six amazing amps in one Comes with reverb and boost which really add that
ambiance when playing in a room. This comes with headphone jack also and a foot switch
input. Pre and post gain on lead channel, (high gain and low gain inputs), The distortion
tone is really good. Please feel free to come down to test this.

Originally retailed over
$500. Selling at $200 Fix. COndition is 9/10 and very underutalised amp.
Contact me at 90264830 if you are keen.
For more INfo please visit here.
