WTS: Laney LC50 Full tube amplifier


New member
Looking to sell the above. In very good condition. Going really cheap at $350.

Whatsapp: 97692192

The LC50-112 – at its core a Class A/B valve amplifier packing 50 watts of pure valve tone – as powerful as you need and really loud when cranked up! The main sonic difference between the LC50-112 and the LC30-112 comes from the fact that the LC50-112 is Class AB and therefore features a more pronounced mid range punch.

It features “high” and “low” inputs and two independent footswitchable channels (Clean and Drive) — with a Bright switch on the Clean channel, and a Modern switch assigned to the Drive side. It also offers master Tone and Reverb knobs for further tonal variety.

The 12” Celestion Seventy 80 speaker and hand-selected valves in the LC30-112 are perfectly matched so you get all the lovely round tone that sustains and growls for ages after you’ve struck your note and even more so using the reverb.


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