WTS: Huge Magic The Gathering Collection


New member
I'm selling my entire collection of Magic The Gathering cards. Expansions range from old to new, from common to rare, and I'll even throw in the card collectors books I have. The amount of cards are roughly 2/3 full shoe boxes, a number of decks, and a special edition box set (Mirrodin Besieged). I'll also throw in card protectors that I have as well.

So what you'll get:
1. A ton a cards ranging from common to rare, old expansions to new
2. 2 card collector books (with the rares inside)
3. Mirrodin Besieged box set
4. Card protectors

Do drop me a sms/email with your offer. Deal in Bukit Panjang.

Number: 9008 3759
Email: chew.nathaniel@gmail.com