SOLD Wts: Dtx set ultra cheap

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New member
So I got this set from a friend when he upgraded to another set. Played on it for 5 minutes before deciding I don't want to play drums.

What it has
5 snare pads
2 cymbal pads
1 Hi Hat pedal
1 bass pedal

What is doesn't have
Drum Throne
Missing 01 x tightening peg
The DTX module
DTX module cables

Now I know you all must be thinking, "WTF no module sell what?". I also cannot guarantee the electronics are still working as I have lost the module for 1 yr+. I did break it apart and clean it, derusted wherever I could but the rusted parts still need a new coat of paint if you mind it. I'm not selling this for profit, I want to let this set for cheap for someone who wants to use it.

Inital price $250. $200 if self collect, HIGHLY NEG.

Whatsapp me at 97499447 for pics, arrangement for viewing or any other questions you have :)

Thank you!
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