SOLD WTB: Sabian 12" AAX O-zone Splash

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Hey all!


Im looking for the above mentioned! Do let me know if you're offloading one! Am not too sure if Swee Lee has this cymbal in stock as I haven't been there in awhile so if any of you happen to see it anywhere, do let me know!

Bras besah swee lee is selling this exact splash in exact size, around $250 or $270 b4 discount, They should be able to give you 30% if you were to talk to them nicely, Good luck on that :D
Thanks for the info! Will drop by Swee Lee soon! Was hoping to get it at a sale or something but I guess the nearest upcoming one would be the National Day sale right?
Thanks for the info! Will drop by Swee Lee soon! Was hoping to get it at a sale or something but I guess the nearest upcoming one would be the National Day sale right?

I am not really sure, but i am eyeing on this splash too LOL, u shld get it fast cos i have been seeing this splash being displayed there since dec 2010, i think with 30% discont it shld be around $200 or $190? Good luck on this purchase, btw i am selling my cymbals as well, Artisan ride and hhx evo hats :D
Cheers! have a nice day - edrummer :D
I'll head down and check it out soon! I saw your post! Awesome artisan rides. A pity they are not very nicely priced otherwise I would have gotten myself one. Haha!
What is the price that you are looking for? U can sms me at 81682441 your offers, we can work out a deal :D
I was comtemplating between the Artisan medium ride, Legacy ride or A custom medium for my main ride and i finally settled on a 22" a custom. Haha! Still pretty satisfied with my purchase so I guess I wont be looking into other rides as of now! Thanks for the offer though! Hope you'll find a potential buyer soon! Haha! :)
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