WTB Loaded Strat pickguard or body or trem bridge


New member
Hi I am looking for a loaded strat pickguard or loaded strat body (SSS or SSH) or strat trem bridge (6 screws with springs and trem bar). Mid to high quality parts preferred.

Looking for a warmer/ vintage sound for blues or rock. Not bothered about cosmetics, as long as things work.

Please send details and pictures to 9655 3967 via whatsapp. Thanks!

Just checked my routing, the body can only contain SSS.

Thus, looking for:
1) japanese pots
2) a pickup set (Lollar Blackface, Fralin Blues Special/ Split Blade Blues, or something of a similar tone)
3) stable strat kluson style tuners (locking preferred)
4) a thick block vintage trem (whole assembly)
5) SSS pickguard (white/ mint green/ tortoise of any colour/ worn...not looking for black)

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