Worst Gig/Jamming experience

my worst jam was bck last year with my band at a studio ard aljunied mrt :D

my sound n distortion is like cracking from the amp.even my clean wasnt clean. try to off n on the amp bla bla.till tis tall old man comes in n make noise. i explain nicely and he,give me faces n grumbling away.and then he tried to 'repair' the fault. he change the cable which i oreadi did many times. then he stood up,arms by his side,chest up(like superman) with his nose raised up and he said... "lu punya barang rosak!" (ur stuff spoilt) pointing to my gt8. i was like wtf!!! i care for my stuff well especially gt8. then start the bad words bein exchanged. blardy hell tt old man. end up the owner came in n apologise.saying tat the amp is actually spoilt.haven replace yet. wtf...

tat was my last time jamming there
fgl said:
snuffleupagus said:
Worst Gig was when I was paid in fish."Nuff said.

wat the fish man??? :lol: :lol:

did a 2 sets free for a friends brother wedding. :D Promised free food and booze which was alright lah since kaki lang.

But by the time the sets over, most of the food finished except for the fish.Damn hungry some more. :D :D :D :D

But was also fun lah.
snuffles - ok lah, at least never kena humiliated over national TV not so bad...

hmmm may be all the years kena like dat make me thick skin liao...

haha :lol: 8)
XLayaR said:
Hey ya'll!! Just wanted to start this so we can all share our worst experiences.

I'll start the ball rolling.

This happenned about a year ago, when me and my band were jamming at a studio(whose name I shall keep classified). So starting off, we were 20mins late, and the guy would'nt let us have extra time, even though there was no bookings after us. So we had no choice but to go with it. After jamming for like 10 mins, the cymbal stands kept falling apart(literally). Every 5 mins the guy would come in and fix it up. The worse part of this story was, we were all so broke till we ended up drinking water from the tap in the toilet(it was clean, of course).

Anyone else wanna share their stories?

man i sure hope the water was Clean...

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